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(Y/N's POV)

Master Shen do you really think I'll be capable to do this"? I asked.

The tall ninja chuckles.

"Don't worry (Y/N) , me and Kennen will be with you besides you don't have to go if you don't want to". Shen reassures and pats me on the shoulder.

(???): More like she's gonna have to go solo.

The two of us look up to see Kennen hanging on the roof from a small hut.

"What do you mean about solo Kennen".

He looked nervous. "There where sightings of the Golden Demon again".

Shen's eyes widened.

"Again....". Shen pinches the bridge of his nose.

"My Apologies (Y/N) , It looks like you're going to have to solo".

My eyes dialated in fear.

"A-are you sure about this Master Shen , I don't think I'm ready for something like this , I haven't even told Master Mayym , Wh-".

"Now , now (Y/N) I believe that you can handle this on your own just like those Noxians that you fought the other day , that took a lot of courage to do that , that's why I know you can handle this by yourself". Shen encourages me.

I huffed. "I can't believe I'm doing this".

"You'll be fine , you are one of the students her besides Feay and the rest of the acolytes , those 4 tend to get into trouble when someone isn't watching them".

I sighed "Ok where do I have to go".

"There is a Noxian camp holding people hostage on Ionia's southern border island its a three week hike to get there and swim think you can handle that"?

"Yea don't worry , I'm gonna wing it"

(Me , about to do something that I most definitely should not wing)

"Good". He hands me a map of Ionia then scurried off somewhere.

"Can't be that bad , can it"? I asked myself.

(???): "It could".

I looked around several times to find the mystery voice.

(???) "(Y/N) to your right".

In a shadowy corner I could see the outline of a feminine figure.

"Hello to you to Feay".

I watched as Feay walked out of the shadows.

"So...are you leaving"?

"How long have you been there"? I asked her.

"Long enough to know you bailed on me last night".

"Dude I chose how I want to waste my time".

I started walking off into the thickets.

"You know Mayym will hear about this (Y/N)".

I turned around not really in the mood for her shit.

"You know what while you're at it tell her to suck my non-existent 40 inch dick". I flipped her off as I dissapeared behind the bushes.

"What is that woman's problem , she us getting in my fucking nerves". I cursed under my breath.

(???): "Damn Dumpling I didn't know you had an attitude behind the sweet face".

I looked up at a tree branch

"Akali how the did you even find m- know what im not going to even ask". I continued walking north.

She chuckles under her mask.

"Where are you going anyways Dumpling"?

"To Ionia's northern border island , Shen said that there was a camp holding people hostage".

There was a look of shock on Akali's face for a second.

"I'm coming with you".

"Wait why".

She scoffed.

"One , because I can.

Two , you remember that time you showed me love and affection yep I'm here to stay now.
I got feelings , that's how it works you showed me kindness , something that I'm not used to but hey you did it , you fucked up.

"I'm your problem now".

I shaked my head. "Why do I even bother with you".

"Cuz you love me".

"That one hella of a good excuse".

Akali rolls her eyes and grabbed my hand then starts running somewhere.

"What the hell Akali , where are you taking me , this is not the direction that we should be goin- "?

Akali cuts me off  "(Y/N) shut up and just follow me".

"Follow you where" ? I asked

"You remember that time I wanted to show you something".


As we continued walk I could steam going up into the sky and the sound of running water.

It was kinda calming to be honest.

"It's pretty peaceful around here ".

That's when Akali stops. "We're here but you don't go telling anybody about this it's a secret place that I kept from the Kinkou for a long time.

She moves some bushes and tree branches out the way.

"Oh you really trying to get your hot girl summer on huh , Noodle"?

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"Oh you really trying to get your hot girl summer on huh , Noodle"?

"Oh you really trying to get your hot girl summer on huh , Noodle"?

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"It's not even like that and you know it".

"But am I wrong tho"?

"Maybe ,*whispers* maybe not.".

                                            "I heard that".

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