🍲Angry Birds 🥟

481 26 6

(Y/N's POV):

(???): Dumpling, Dumpling get up.

I felt someone nudging me. I groaned stretching upwards.

"Mornin' Kali". I groaned out of sleepness.

She smirks "What happed to Noodle huh I like that name".

"Oh, hush you". I give her a lazy slap on the arm.

"Come on up". She pushes me to get up.

I started to get up and break a hole off from the inside of our crystal dome. Right after I do it snow piles on top of me.

"Well, this isn't how I wanted to start my morning".

I could hear Akali laughing.

"Oh, you think this is funny huh"? I scowled.

She wipes a tear "No I think it's hilarious".

I grab a bit of snow and made it into a snowball to throw at her face, which I did do.

Akali grumbles as she shakes the snow off her face.

"That's what ya get".

She rolls her eyes.

Akali climbs out of the crystal dome to the winter wonderland."Damn this blizzard did a number on this mountain".

I followed behind her into the vast blanket of snow.

"Where Irelia and Wind-shitter". I asked.

Akali shrugged her shoulders "I have no idea".

The snow near a rock started to scuffle.

I think I found one of them, indeed I was right I ran over to whoever it was and pulled them out.

"How the heck did I get snowed in".

"Morning to you to Wind-shitter".

He glares at me "For the last time my name is Yasuo".

"Ok, then Y'ASS'uo".

He grumbles one last time before walking off.

I turned around to see Akali pulling out Irelia from the snow as well.

"So shall we keep going"?

"That we shall".

So we were off going down the mountain slope heading to Fea'lor.

But we had one ol itty bitty problem.

"How the hell going to get down"? Akali asked.

Irelia and Yasuo looked at each other confused then shrugged their shoulders stumped.

"Got an idea Dumpling"? She asked me.

"Wanna slide down, it'll be quick"? I suggested.

Akali, Irelia, and Yasuo looked at each other then nodded.

"I guess we don't have any other way to go down quickly". I made four boards out of different gems stones.

"But who going down first"? I asked.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors it"? Irelia suggested.


Akali turns to him "Hey Yasuo start us off". Little did Wind-Shitter know that Akali had a devilish smile behind that mask




"OH SHIT"!!!

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