🍲May The Victor Gose The Spoils🥟

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(Y/N POV) :

[*Morning*]....Way to early in the morning

(???): (Y/N) wake up , wake up now

I flipped out of my bed and fell on the floor.


I looked down at my lap and saw Kennen looking smug as ever as he saw me flying out of mu bed.

"Oh you smug little jerk". I playfully glared at him.

That just made him laugh even more.

"In the Kinkou days start early around here". Kennen boasts.

"I had a feeling that was going to be the case".

Kennen gets off my lap and bounced over towards the entrance of the door and gave me something  made of cloth.

"Master Shen tolled me to give this to you".

"Thank you so much Kennen"

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"Thank you so much Kennen". I ruffle so of his furry hair.

"If I was you I would go find Mayym , she will be your teacher , you will he learning Tessenjutsu in one of the training halls , good luck" Kennen bowed before making his way out.

I begin to think

"Tessenjutsu , what the hell is that even mean and why"?

I shake of the thought and grabbed the fans that where on the side of the wall and headed where Mayym was.

While strolling around to get to the training halls I felt someone looking at me. As much as I try to ignore it the more intense it got.

I looked back once there was nobody there.

("What the fuck"?)

I turned back around to bump into somebody.

"O-oh hiya Faye". I was kinda nervous because of the glare she's giving me.

"Who pissed in your coffee this morning"? I tried to look as innocent as possible.

All she does is chuckle.

"When the Rogue Assassin falls to me , you will be speaking to me more often ok ". Then she walks away somewhere else.

("Rogue Assassin who is that"?)

I pay no mind to it and kept on walking towards where Mayym was at.

I stopped at a big door that led to somewhere.

Before I could even touch it , it opened by itself.

"Greetings (Y/N) are you ready for today".

I looked up at the red eyed woman who was holding many throwing knives in her hand.

"Yea". I was a little hesitant.

"Good because your going to need all your energy.


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