🍲Little Rebel🥟

654 34 10

(Y/N's POV)

I was getting dragged off back into the Kinkou , by the ear while getting scowled at the same time

"You have a lot of explaining to do , pupil". Mayym dragged on.

"I was only protecting the pe-". I got cut off.

"Silence , I don't want to hear your sorry excuses".

I rolled my eyes and grumbled under my breath.

"Do you have something smart to say"?

"Who said that I wanted to say anything".

Mayym's red eyes narrowed down at me. "You're getting rebellious and I don't tolerate rebels".

"I can see why".

This confuses Mayym.

"How" She asks me.

"Let's just say a little green birdie told me not to listen to you".

She quickly became quite thought the whole walk back to the Kinkou.

~●~●~●~●~●[Time Skip]~●~●~●~●~●~

When we gotten back to the Kinkou it was already night fall , Mayym stopped me before I can even make the turn back to my room.

"You think that you're actions where going to be unpunished".

"Ugh , are you serious". I protested

"All actions have consequences".

I rolled my eyes. "Its not like I know that since you drilled it into my head".

"I don't appreciate the way you are talking to me pupil". She was getting more pissed off by the second.

"Because I decided to save citizens from a invasion instead of training , very delusional of you".

In a blink of an eye her hand wrapped around my neck and slammed me into the wall.

"Listen to me you rebellious little girl , you snuck out and completely disobeyed me. When I tell you to do something you do it without question , do you understand me Pupil ". She slowly lifts my chin to where she can glare at me dead in the eye.

"Yes Master Mayym".

She released her grip on me.

I already know that there's a mark

"Good , now go to the training hall you'll be there till sunrise with Feay for the time being I have some business to take care of".

My jaw opened in shock.

"Are you serious , why Feay I rather be with Eisah".

"My decision is final , now go". Mayym scolded me before walking off .

I facepalm.

"Sweet celestials help me". I prayed as I walked toward the double doors of the training hall.

"Well , well , well , I thought you weren't coming".

I look at Faey who was sitting on the windowsill.

"I don't have time for your shit tonight".

Faey looks at me a little shocked before smirking

"Who pissed you off"? She chuckled

"None of your goddamn business that's who".

She laughs at my stubbornness.

"You look cute when you're mad".

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