🍲My Crystal Kunoichi🥟

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I wake up to sun shining on my face.

"For the love of that's everything that's holy". I groaned.

I get up stretching my back.

                [*Knock* *Knock*]

My head turned to the door. I walked over to the door unaware of the person that was knocking.

"What th-" As I walked out I bumped into someone chest.

"Good Morning Pupil". I looked up to see red eyes stare down at me.

It was the person that Akali warned me about.

"Slept well". She asked.

"I did Miss....Ummm"?

"Mayym but you will be call me master later on pupil".

The was she looking at me made question why I'm still here.

"Come along chop chop". She rushed me.

I get up to walking behind her.

"Where are you taking me". I asked.

"We are going to talk about something when we get there".

I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to follow behind her.

As we where walking I could get a good look at the dojo. People had weapons practicing with them or some where just walking around minding their own business.

Key word: Some

Because out if the blue I hear someone cat called at me. Some random dude in kimono smirked at me.

"Sup' baby-girl" He does the gun fingers at me.

I was feeling socially awkward at this point.


He starts strutting up to with some confidence and pins me up against a wall

"Hiya baby , what cha doin' later". He winks at me. The little stunt he did didn't get unnoticed by Mayym.

"Hey ,  she's taken so go somewhere and pop off with your STDS ok". She threaten.

The poor dude's face when pale and when back to minding his own business.

I looked at her a little happy and a little scared.

"What was his problem" ?

She just chuckled as she led me to a hut where Shen was stirring up a cup of tea.

"Ahem Shen".

"I know you're there Mayym I know just give minute". Shen's stirrings intensifies.

We just watched him in complete silence.

"Anyone else feel mildly uncomfortable right now or is it just me" ? I asked.

I heard someone giggling somewhere but I didn't pay no mind to it.

"What im I here for"?

Shen had downed his cup of tea in one go and stood up "(Y/N) , I've- no We've be thinking for a while now but we need your consent".

"You trying to fuck me"?

Both of them looked at me bewildered.


(???)"I mean i wouldn't mind having her to myself".

I heard someone whisper. My face twisted in disbelief when I heard that.

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