🍲Rules Are Made To Be Broken🥟

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(Y/N's POV)

"Let me see your arm Akali".

It was the middle of the day and I was currently cleaning up Akali's bandages wrapped around her body.

"Look like you wounds are healing up nicely". I smiled.

"Of course they did especially when you babied me 24/7".

I crossed my arms and glared at her.

"And if I didn't you would have died from blood loss". I scolded at her.

"Jeez I said I was sorry how many time do I have to say it".

"You better be sorry". I nagged at her like a mother would do to their child.

I picked up another roll of bandages and wrapped them around her arm again.

"If you end up like this again I swear I'm letting you bleed out". I threatened.

"Oh wow I'm soooooo scared".

I looked at her unamused.

"I'm like 5 seconds away from throwing your ass out the window".

This caused her to let out a low chuckle.

"I'll like to see you try".

I threw my hands up in the air in defeat not wanting  to deal with the sassy assassin anymore.

"You didn't even try and you expect defeat"?

"Piss off Akali".

She burst out laughing.

"You are so lucky that I have something to do right now". I started to walk out the door.

"That sounds like a sorry excuse".

"Yea yea fuck you to". I shut the door.

●~●~●~●~●~[Time Skip]●~●~●~●~●~●

(Akali's POV)

"Come on at least get a singal hit on me (Y/N)".

Right now I was outside watching (Y/N) from the construction beams in inside the old training hall.

"Come (Y/N) , don't you fail me".

(Y/N) face scrunched up in frustration.

"I'm trying". She whined.

I tried to keep in a laugh.

As (Y/N) attacked her movements where graceful and had precision.

Then the creek of the wooden doors started to open.

(???):  Mayym I need you right now.

I looked down and it was Shen , but his face was all worried.

She gets out of a fighting stance before run after him.

"(Y/N) fight the training dummy and when I come back I better see progress , understand.

She wipes the sweat from her forehead before bowing. "Yes master Mayym".

"You better". She said before sprinting out the door.


(Y/N's POV)

As Mayym left me by myself in the training halls I started to fan myself with my war fans.

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