🍜Setting Things Right🥟

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(Y/N's POV)

I looked at the large-breasted woman and the heavily armored man shocked

Hitman Jessica Rabbit smirked as she sees my surprised expression. "Sorry, my precious jewel but my job isn't done here so you might see me quite often.

Akali started to glare at Hitman Jessica Rabbit. She looked right back at her.

Akali lifted her kunai. "Don't. Test. Me." She warned.

Hitman Jessica Rabbit smirked. "You think that I'll back down that easily haha, your dead wrong about that".

My attention drifted to the heavily armored to Cleaver my left.

Cleaver looks fucked up to me, the dude had a scar over his right eye. And all that armor he was wearing was covered with marks of battle.

(???): These are the two who were giving you trouble, they're tiny and pathetic.

Me and Akali started at him pissed.

"Ok, first things first I'm not tiny I'm fun-sized so let's get that straight".

Both were taken aback by my boldness.

"Yea, you tell 'em Dumpling". Akali cheered.

He walked up to me. "Look here Ionian, defy Noxus and you will taste your own blood, get in my way and I will have your head mounted on my wall do I make myself clear". He threatened.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and started muttering under my breath.

Cleaver looks at me annoyed."Ionian I can't understand gibberish speak up".

"Kiss. My. Ass".

Akali started cackling.

Someone touched my shoulder "(Y/N) what the hell is going on this isn't my sweet baby". My mother joined in the conversation.

"Such vulgar language isn't ladylike and I never taug-".

"Mom shut the fuck up".

My mother looked at me shocked.

My father started stepping in "Don't you ever talk to the woman who birt-".

"Dad, you shut the fuck up I have a job to do". He looks just as shocked as mom.

I turned my attention to the man who was covered in clanky armor.

"Sorry for the interruption, now where we're we". I pulled out war fans.

Hitman Jessica Rabbit smirked and pull out two daggers and Cleaver gets his oversized axe ready.

"You take the crazy bitch over there, I got this big bastard".

Hitman Jessica Rabbit gave me a seducing look.

I blushed a bit. "Fuck off with that look".

She started to walk up to me. "Are we gonna dance baby girl or do I have to give you lessons".

The ends of my war fans spiked up with gem shards."Oh I don't think so".

Our slow walk turned into a jog then to a full-on sprint.

When we reached a yard of one another. Weapons were drawn.

We clashed with weaponry and created sparks.

"Hmm, seems you've gotten stronger, I like that".

"Lady can you not". I pushed her off of me.

She gave me a sly laugh. "Sorry can't do that huh, I can't leave a precious gem on the ground for anyone to take".

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