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[A few days later]

"Scoot over your ass is in my face".

"Well, it wouldn't If someone would move their wide load off my hamstrings...I'm talking to you Ireila".


"yo shut up before this merchant stops this cart and shanks us".

All of us were peas in a pod.

The only one who was not losing their sanity was Akali who was just sitting between two crates...just chilling.

"How you doing over there Dumpling".

I gave her an unamused look.

"What do you think, I'm underneath A wind-shitter and machete"?

She snickered under her green mask.

"Need a hand".

I offer my hand out to her for her to pull me out of the flesh pile. "So how much longer to Fae'lor".

Akali shrugs. "Who knows we still have like a few hundred miles to go".

"How much longer is this going to take, I'm bored out of my mind".

Akali snickered "If you're that impatient then take the reins and do it yourself".

A light bulb comes on in my head.

"You know what that's a great idea". I climbed out of the merchant's carriage.

"Wait (Y/N) we have to stay out of sight".

Too late.

I was already near the unaware merchant.

(???): I hope those crates are secure in there...I going to go and check just to be safe

When the merchant turned around he jumped at seeing me right behind him.

(???): Little Ionian punk you think you can steal my stuff.

The merchant pulls out a battle ax.

I looked down at the ax in his hand then looked back up at him.

"Do you wanna know how this ends"?

The merchant just ignored my warning and raised the ax over his head.

I sighed "When you try to be nice".

I grabbed my war fans and flicked some of the sharp gemstones at his chest.

The merchant falls off the carriage bleeding out.

(???): You little punk I'll kill yo-

The poor bastard didn't finish his sentence because Akali held his decapitated head.

"Ugh, that was gross". She dropped his head and flicked the blood off her hands.

I giggled.

"What are you laughing at"?

I licked my thumb and wiped a bit of blood on the side of her face.

Akali blushed a bit.

"Hey, stop flirting and get back on this carriage we have people to free". Yasuo looked at us impatiently

Akali rolled her eyes "Well someone has some nerves

"Akali, I don't have time for your antics".

"Can we please have one day without you to begin bitter to one another"? I plead.

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