🍲Into The Order🥟

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(Y/N's POV)

I was just in shock after what she did this ninja that just wanted me dead had the balls to slap a kiss right on my lips.

I started blushing a bit "That son of a bit-". I shake my head trying to get rid of the thought.

The sky started to get darker and darker. The shopkeepers and taverns started to close up for the night.

I get up off the ground and started to walking around the small village taking in the sights.

"I guess this Ionia place is not so bad , quite beautiful actually".

"I think I might stay in this pla-"

(???): Who is she

I heard someone in the bushes. I tilted my head in curiosity. I walked over without thinking. I peeked in the shrub and I saw another me.

"What the fuck" I mouth out the bad words.

And it copied me.

"I'm I on drugs or something because this shouldn't be happening".

I raised my left hand

It copied.

I raised right foot.

It copied.

Then it started to come closer my instincts get the best of me and I made a dome of Emerald separating me and my copy.

(???): Neeko means no harm to crystal lady.

The copy of me spoke differently. In a flash of light my copy looked like someone else.

And this new person was bedazzled in different colors and had a tail.

"Is it me or I see a living rainbow" I thought.

I front of me there was the

The Heroine Lizard = (Neeko)

The Heroine Lizard looked at my ball of Emerald in awe. "Please come out of the ball Crystal Lady".

I broke out the ball of Emerald and made sure to be careful for where I stepped.

"Whoa pretty crystals". The heroine lizard picked up one of

"Oh thank you" I blushed a bit.

"Dose Crystal Lady want to me Neeko's friends" ? The Heroine lizard asked

"I guess".

The lizard bounced around before grabbing my hands and dragging me into the forest.

"Nidalee , Nidalee look I made a new friend". She yelled while running with her hand in mine.

The heroine lizard came to a halt in a clearing in the forest. I look around. There where claw marks on the trees.

I was starting to get paranoid about all the claw marks and stuff.

"I don't like where this is going".

"No need to be worried friend Nidalee is friend".

(???): Neeko where were yo-

I locked eyes with

The Titty Monster = (Nidalee)

wearing animals hide that showed her bosoms a little too much. But that wasn't the weird part she turned into

The Rabies Cat = (Nidalee but in her Cougar form)

My body flew into the air to avoid the Rabies Cat.

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