🍲Double Teamed🥟

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(Akali POV):

I jumped tree to tree trying to get away from Irelia.

"YOU CAN'T RUN FROM FEELINGS AKALI". Irelia yelled while she was giggling.

"WATCH ME"!!!! I continued to jumping from tree to tree.

I kept going until Irelia was long gone.

"Tch , like she's gonna make me like that little shit-head".

I looked around to see that I'm at the same dome that the little asshole made

"How the hel-".

I jumped off the tree that I was on and  walked around it. Then an idea came to mind.

I get out my kunai and started to stabbing at the pink crystal.

The dome slowly starts to chip way.

I smirked to myself.

"By sunrise she will be dead , and not a problem anymore"


(Y/N's POV)

"So you're telling me that you accidentally got kissed by someone".


"And this person is trying to put your head on a stick".


"And this person is now judging to kill you or not"

"Oh she wants to kill no matter what".

"Now , finally I can play matchmaking after all these years" Ahri said in a prideful way.

"AHRI NO"!!!


I covered my face with my hands.

"Do you know what she'll do to me".

Ahri sent me a cocky smirk. "I know  what's going to happen once she comes to her senses.

"And what of she doesn't"?

That's when she paused.

"Well say goodbye to your hopes and dreams for living then".

"Oh ok , well I might as well go fuck myself then".

Ahri snorted a bit.

"I don't underst-" Ahri's ears twitched at a sound.

"You hear that (Y/N)"? Ahri asked.

I go quiet to hear something like someone or something klinking on glass.

"Who the fuck could be doing th-"

I blacked out on Ahri's lap.


The sun was rising and hitting though the Rose Quartz onto my face.

I wake up to the same sound again. I turned around to see Noodle-head who made a big enough hole to stick her hand through.

"OH SHIT"!!! I charged forward without thinking.

I ended crashing through the pink gemstone and barely getting up and on my feet.

"DAMN IT"!!!! I hear Noodle-Head yelled.


And I regretted my decision instantly right after I said that.

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