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"So much for coming home last night." 

Those were the first words Belle heard as she stepped into the apartment. She winced, knowing she was definitely done for.

"Where have you been? You said you were coming home, but then you didn't. Now it's noon and you've only just gotten home now. Where have you been, Annabelle Rose?" Her mama chastised.

"I-I lost track of time." She stammered. "I was just having a bit of fun, mama. I was only dancing, honest." 

"Where did you end up staying last night? I heard Mary and Ruth didn't go home last night. You didn't come home last night either. What were the three of you doing?" 

"I don't know where they went." Belle whispered. "I lost track of them about nine, mama. I haven't seen them since."

"Are you lying to me, Annabelle Rose?" 

She shook her head. Her voice came out less than a whisper. "No ma'am. I sat back and watched them dance for a little while. I went to the bathroom and they were both gone from my sight. I lost them completely." 

"You didn't think to tell them you were leaving for a few minutes?" 

"N-no. I thought....I thought they'd be okay." 

Her mama shook her head. "You need to stop being so careless, Anna. What if something would've happened? What if you would've gotten kidnapped? How do you think that would make us feel?" 

Belle dug her nails into her palms and bit her tongue. The words she wanted to say were right there, but she knew if she spoke them, she'd be in serious trouble.


"Where's father?" Belle asked, avoiding the question.

"You're not allowed to ask any questions until you answer mine. You're a beautiful young woman, Annabelle. Some man could easily kidnap you and take advantage of you." 

"Mama...." Belle groaned, knowing where this was going. 

"No. Some man could, and would, especially with how you dress when you go out. You need to look after yourself." 

"Maybe if that happened I'd finally give you the grandchild you want so desperately." She muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" Mama shot her a stern look. 

"I said, maybe if that happened, I'd finally give you the grandchild you want so desperately." Belle crossed her arms. "I don't want to sit home and be a perfect little housewife like everyone else." 

"Then you're never going to find yourself a husband!"

"Good!" She snapped. "I don't want to settle down! I don't want to be like everyone else!"

"Why? You could easily find yourself a suitable husband and settle down with a family. You could have the life you're supposed to and live it peacefully. You should be living your life right now, settled down and married with a child already."

"I don't want that." Belle protested.

"Then what do you want?" 

Belle looked down at her feet. "I want to go to school." 

Mama's head snapped up. "Excuse me? You want to what?"

"I want to go to school." Belle repeated. "For medicine. To be a nurse." 

"Why would you want to do such a thing? Who put this idea into your head?"

"Mary is going to school. She wants to be a teacher. Ruth wants to go too, but she doesn't know what for. We were all hoping to go together...."

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