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"Tony. Tony." Steve said urgently.

"Did you know?"

"I didn't know it was them."

"Don't bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?"

When Steve answered, his voice was soft. "Yes."

After a few long seconds, all hell broke loose. Stark went right after Bucky. Belle grabbed Autumn's arm and pushed her near a ladder. "Go. Whatever you do, don't wait for us."


"Do as I tell you." Belle said sternly. "I'm going to find your father. Now go!" She ran off without waiting to see if Autumn would listen or not.

She wasn't going to fight offense. She was trying to make sure no one was seriously hurt, although that was highly unlikely.

She managed to wiggle her way into the fight, and then somehow get Bucky out of it, so the two of them could climb up after Autumn. They barely made it up two levels before Stark caught up to them. He lunged for Bucky again, and the two tumbled down to the level below.

"Keep going!" 

Belle didn't hesitate to keep climbing. She heard Steve holler something, but was too distracted not falling to make out what he said. Tony and Steve were shouting, and someone was climbing up behind her.

"Come on." Bucky's voice was suddenly right next to her. "We have to keep going."

She nodded and kept climbing. He followed right behind her. Autumn was waiting at the top for them, so close to their escape. If they could escape, everything would be okay. Everything would be fine.

Just as they reached the top and were nearly free, there was a shot and their only way of escape was shut on them. Belle jumped back and cursed. 

"Are we going back down?" Autumn's voice shook slightly.

Belle nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, we don't have a choice."

Just as she grabbed Bucky's hand and was about to jump down, he was gone. She swore. Stark was back.

Despite being in Stark's grip, Bucky jumped off the platform and caused both him and Stark to fall straight back down to the ground. Belle grabbed Autumn's hand and jumped down, a few platforms at a time. When they landed by Bucky, she knelt by him for a few seconds.

"You okay?" She asked.

He nodded, wincing in pain and getting up. "Stay out of this, Annabelle."

"No. I'm just as guilty as you, remember?" She caught a glimpse of Steve's shield on a nearby platform. She backed up and took a running start and landed near it. She picked it up and looked back over to Bucky.

He held his hand out. She threw it to him. He caught it and immediately jumped down to join the fight. Belle didn't listen to a single thing he just told her. 

She was as guilty as him. Even though Stark wasn't after her right now, it would only be a matter of time before he was. She knew as soon as he was able to knock the boys down, he'd be after her. and then Autumn. He was fighting to kill, and Belle would do anything she could to make sure that didn't happen.

Stark swung around and tried kicking her off her feet. She caught his leg and twisted it, sending him tumbling to the ground. 

He got back to his feet and shot a beam of energy at Steve, sending him flying into the wall. He turned and lunged for Bucky, who caught his arm. Belle ducked out of the way to avoid being hit. 

Bucky had Stark pinned to the wall, and Belle ran over to help Steve back to his feet. She pulled him up and he flashed her a grateful look.

She had her back turned for what must've been only ten seconds. In that time, there was a bright flash of light. Belle spun around, not expecting to find Bucky on his knees. She ran over to him, only to get hit by a burst of energy coming from Stark. She was tossed to the side as if she weighed nothing, and stayed on the ground, curled up on her side.

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