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"This is a driver's license." She turned it over in her hands.

"A driver's license is an acceptable form of ID." He reminded.

"Do you even know how to drive?" She turned and looked at him.

"Do you?" He retorted.

"Yeah, actually."

"Just memorize the name and birthday on there, in case someone asks. Nothing else matters."

She frowned. "Isabella Buchanan? Are you joking?"

"No, I'm not. If anyone asks, you're my fiancée." 

Belle rolled her eyes. "What's your name then?"

"Charles Dayton." 

"You sound like you're from the nineteen hundreds."

"Remember when we were born?"

"No, I don't. I don't think anyone would remember the day they were born. I, in fact, don't remember anything at all."

James shook his head. "That's not what I meant. Come on, we should head to the airport so we can make it through security."

She nodded. Even though it was late morning, and their flight wasn't until tonight, getting through security could take a while.

They strolled through the city, side by side, acting as normal as they could. No one suspected anything. She breathed a sigh of relief when they got to the airport. They were inside, but there was still going to be tons of people. They just had to be careful about who they talked to, what they said, or what they did.

She folded her blanket over her arm and slung her backpack over her shoulder. They walked inside. 

She looked around and took hold of his sleeve. He pulled away and grabbed her hand, instead.

"We're engaged." He murmured. "We have to act like it."

Belle nodded. "Right. Engaged." She squeezed his hand.

They walked side by side through the airport. James glanced at their tickets and led her through the crowds of people. She squeezed his hand tighter, not liking how many people were around.

"They're not paying attention to us." He murmured gently. "It's okay."

She nodded and leaned on his arm. They waited in line to pass through the metal detectors and scanners. Everyone else seemed to be passing through rather quickly, so maybe it would be easy for them.

They showed their ID's and tickets to the guard, who scanned them both. The two were quickly ushered on to pass through the detectors. She set her bag in one of the bins and walked through the scanner. 

She breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the guard.

"My fiancé's prosthetic isn't going to set off the alarm, is it?"

The guard shook his head. "No."

"Oh. Okay." She grabbed her bag and waited for James.

He walked through with no problem. He too grabbed his bag and walked over to her. She took his hand again and followed him to their gate. 

They sat down at two chairs in the corner. She set her bag under her chair and wrapped herself in her blanket. 

"We did it." He murmured. "We're almost there."

She nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. He pulled out his journal and pens and began to write.

She listened to the quiet chatter of people around them and the ever so often laughter of passerby's. She dozed off for a short while, feeling safe and content with James next to her.

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