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A/N: oof. I hurt.

Belle leaned on Bucky as they said goodbye to Steve and Natasha. She hugged them both tightly, thanking them for showing up on such short notice.

"How could I not? You would've come after me if I didn't, and I didn't want two former assassins on my trail." Steve chuckled. "I'll see you both again soon, I promise."

"You better." Bucky gently shoved his shoulder. "Or else you will have two former assassins on your trail."

Belle laughed lightly. "We wouldn't want that, now would we?"

"Definitely not." Steve gave her an amused smile. "Stay out of trouble, okay? Don't make me come back here so soon."

"We'll stay out of trouble as long as you stay out of trouble." Bucky promised. "Right, Belle?"

"Yeah. Right." Belle chuckled.

She turned to Natasha and hugged her, too. The redhead hesitated, then hugged back.

"I know we didn't exactly start out on the right foot, but I'm hoping to put that past us." Belle admitted. "I'd hate to be on your bad side. I'd rather fight with you, not against you."

"Same here." Natasha agreed. "No more blowing up buildings though, alright?" There was a teasing edge to her voice.

"No promises." Belle laughed. "But I'll try my best."

"That's all I ask." Natasha hugged Belle. "See you soon."

"Save travels home. Try not to get caught by the government." Belle joked. "I don't want to have to visit you in jail."

Steve rolled his eyes and shook his head, trying to hide his amusement. "You won't be visiting us in jail."

He and Natasha strolled off.

When they were gone, Belle turned to her husband. "We should go find our daughter."

"Autumn? I think she's outside. I heard Shuri mention her earlier. Apparently she's entertaining some of the other kids."

Belle nodded slowly. "Let's go see what she's doing, then."

Autumn was telling the kids stories. Not any old stories, though, she was retelling some of the stories her parents told her.

Belle and Bucky stood nearby, listening to what she was saying. Autumn didn't see them right away and continued on with her story.

There were a few minor details that were wrong, but that was tolerable. But when Autumn missed a whole major detail in the story, Belle walked over.

"Actually, you missed a part."

Autumn jumped in the air and spun around. "Ma! Don't sneak up on me like that! I'm trying to tell a story!"

"You missed a whole major detail in that story." Belle sat down next to her daughter. "You've got it close, but not quite right."

"Then fix it." Autumn huffed. "I'm only remembering what you and dad told me, and I don't remember all of it."

Belle chuckled. "That's okay, you were doing good until you forgot one major detail. Here, let me finish it."

Belle finished telling the story, with occasional help from Bucky when he decided to interject, and the kids were quiet for all of it. They listened with wide eyes and big smiles.

When the story was finished, the kids begged for another, even though it was close to dinnertime. She promised them another story at a different time, as long as they behaved. The kids promised to behave, then scattered to go play.

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