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Belle woke up feeling groggy as hell, but refreshed none the less. She didn't know the time, let alone the day of the week. She turned over to find the other side of the bed empty. She let out a disappointed sigh, knowing that most times Alpine was asleep next to her.

Wait, where was Alpine?

This wasn't her apartment.

She dragged herself out of bed and fumbled to the bathroom and tried her best to freshen up. With a defeated sigh, she gave up and decided to take a full shower. Pepper wouldn't mind.

After a full shower, she felt more awake and refreshed. 

She changed back into her clothes, unfortunately not having another clean set, and left the bedroom. She trotted down the stairs and found Pepper cooking in the kitchen, and Autumn and Morgan playfully bickering in the living room.

"What time is it?" Belle rubbed the remaining sleep from her eyes.

"I dunno, three, four in the afternoon probably. I haven't checked recently." Autumn answered haphazardly. 

"Four o' seven!" Morgan announced proudly.

Pepper chucked from the kitchen. "She just learned how to read a clock."

"Smart kid." Belle patted Morgan's head. "Is anyone else here?"

"The boys are out, they'll be back for dinner."

Belle assumed 'the boys' meant Steve and Bucky, and probably Sam, too.

"They were going to invite you, but since you slept for nearly a day, after a few days without sleep, I told them to leave you be." Pepper added.

Belle sat down at the table. "I appreciate that they thought of me, but sleeping was better for me. Thanks." She gave Pepper a grateful smile. "What are you making? It smells delicious."

"A batch of stir fry. Autumn's request."

Belle shot a look to her daughter. "And why aren't you helping?"

"I am. I'm hanging out with Morgan." Autumn shot back. "We're having lots of fun, aren't we?"

"Yes! Can Autumn stay with us? She's my best friend now!"

The adults laughed.

"I'd miss Alpine, though." Autumn sighed dramatically. "And I'm sure she misses me."

"She probably likes having the apartment to herself." Belle muttered. "She's got plenty of food and water, she'll have been fine for what, like two days now?"

"Can you come visit if you're not going to stay?" Morgan begged Autumn. "Please?!"

"Of course." Autumn picked her up and tossed the child over her shoulder. Morgan shrieked with laughter.

Autumn set her down at the table, then sat between Morgan and Belle. Not long after, Pepper brought out bowls of everything. Rice, chicken, sauce, and a variety of cooked vegetables. The four of them only just began to eat before Belle heard voices outside. Autumn perked up when she heard them, too, earning a confused look from Morgan.

"Super hearing, remember?" Autumn teased. "Belle has it too."

Morgan's eyes lit up. "What are they saying?"

"Super secret stuff that you can know if you finish your vegetables." Pepper chimed in, earning a grumble from the young girl.

"They're wondering if I'm awake." Belle rolled her eyes.

A few moments later, Steve, Sam, and Bucky walked into the house. They chorused a greeting, and then joined Belle and the others at the table.

"Well hey, look who woke up." Sam teased. "Nice nap?"

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