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"I'll see you out there." Natasha spoke softly. "In a minute, right?"

Belle nodded. "In a minute."

Natasha took Autumn's hand and they walked out together. 

Belle stood alone for a few minutes. She could hear the music playing softly outside, and all she was waiting for was it to change. 

It seemed like she waited forever.

In reality, it was only for a few minutes. Maybe less. The music changed to something peaceful and her breath caught in her throat. She gently pushed open the doors and walked out.

Despite the fact that there were only a few sets of eyes on her, her face still heated up. She did her best to ignore it. She wanted to lift her eyes and look at the man on the other end of the room, but she didn't. She couldn't.

What would happen if she turned around and ran? She didn't deserve this. After all the horrible things she did, there was no way she deserved this.

When she reached the end of the aisle, she lifted her teary eyes and for the first time, looked Bucky in the face.

"I don't deserve this." Her voice quivered.

"Me either." His voice came across as strong, but after knowing him for so long, she could detect the very slight shake in his voice. "But here we are, just a few years too late."

She nodded and took a few seconds to admire his outfit. He wore all white, from everything to his jacket down to his shoes. He looked like an angel.

Well, an angel with a missing arm, that is.

"I would typically start this ceremony by saying why we're gathered here, but I think all seven of us know why we're here. I've heard this event is long overdue, but the story behind this is not my story to tell." T'challa looked over to Steve and nodded.

Steve waited for a few seconds, then began to talk. "I don't know where to start. I'm the only person who watched your relationship actually start. I remember hearing the same few stories over and over from Bucky, and he spoke so highly of Belle."

Bucky shot him a sideways look, but Steve continued anyway.

"He told me everything he knew, and how much he smiled when Belle was around. He told me about everything that happened, about when he lost her, and how he didn't deserve a second chance. I told him not to screw up, and clearly he didn't, because here we are."

Belle cracked a smile.

"Everything leading up to this hasn't been perfect, and I know what's happened between you both, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve this. Just enjoy it, alright? You're both free, so stop dwelling on the past and live in the present."

There were a few seconds of silence, before Bucky spoke. "Thanks for that."

Steve chuckled lightly. "Of course, pal."

"Who would like to go first? It's time to exchange your vows." T'challa spoke, looking between Belle and Bucky.

Belle exchanged a glance with Bucky.  She really didn't want to speak first.

"Ladies first?"

Belle shot him a dirty look. "After you."

A slight smile tugged his lips upwards. "If you insist." He took a few seconds to calm himself, and then started speaking softly.

"Remember when we first met? I could tell you thought I was annoying, because you barely spoke any words to me. Your answers were short and straight to the point." He paused for a second. "Look at where we ended up. Look at everything that brought us here."

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