Chapter 29

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Tiara POV:

"What do you mean that's not my real fucking mother?" my brother yelled who name I learned is Tyler.

he supposed to be older than me but acts like a baby. I'm sure that I'm older, I have to be

"We won't know if that's true unless we get a DNA test, I'll get my mother down here so we can get this shit cleared up," Tyler said pulling out his phone

I and Trey quickly looked at each other

"Tyler, um-"
Trey cut me off

" There's no need for that, you and my mom can just take a DNA test," Trey said quickly before I can tell Tyler the truth

I gave him the " what the fuck are you doing" look, but he only waved me off

" yea we can do that instead while my mother is on vacation"

" vacation?" I asked

" yea, she's always working hard for me and she's barely home, so I suggested a vacation. She deserves it "
he said smiling thinking about her

I feel guilty

" working hard? What about the money dad said he sent you throughout the years" I said confused

He only shrugged, but behind that facade, I saw anger. Lots and lots of anger.
Seems like I'm not the only one hating dad right now

I chuckled at my thoughts, which caused the boys to look at me

" nothing just thinking about something. Come on we need to make it to the airport" I said grabbing my bags

They nodded, and we made our way out of the hotel
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

" So you have to kill a nigga who you've grown close with," Tyler said trying to put all of the pieces together

So far, we have told him everything from, Bella, me, and kentrell, and now this baby momma situation.

"It seems like to me you caught some fee fee's," he said snacking on pretzels

I laughed, about to speak again, until I was cut off from trey, for like the 6th time today. But hey, who's counting?

" did you? Did you fall for the person you're assigned to kill Tiara" he asked glaring at me

He's such an asshole, what fuck has gotten into him

I just stared at him, looking into his eyes as they dared me to lie as if they already know the answer. Damn, so he really wants to hear it out of my mouth? Well alright

" yes, I fell for kentrell," I said into his eyes

He looked at me disappointed and angry. Why is he so mad at me? I made one mistake in such a long time and he's so angry, it's normal I'm human.

"How the fuck do you fall for the person you're supposed to kill?" Trey yelled slamming his hands on the table that had Tyler snacks on it

" aye aye! Nigga chill out" Tyler yelled picking his fallen pretzels off the floor

He's never been this angry with me before, so why all of a sudden is he so angry with me?

" it's not like I wanted to! I didn't choose this Trey! I didn't ask to be assigned to this assignation" I yelled back

"you're right! So don't worry about it, I'll handle it. But don't be crying when I send you a box with his head in it" he said glaring at me standing up walking to the bathroom

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