Chapter 17

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Kentrell Pov:

" kd stop touching my shit. Damn yall fucking irritating."

"Nigga what's your problem?" Ben asked me

"He mad because Tiara went to Paris and didn't come to see him before she left" he laughed

I rolled my eyes at him, he runs his damn mouth too much for me. "Shut up goofy! no, I'm not yall ass just immature" I lied, well the first part was a lie, the second part was the truth. They act like children

Kd laughed " says the nigga who just ordered a big ass spiderman blanket" I stared at him " bitch is you dumb, that's for Draco" I just shook my head and walked to my room while calling tiara


I heard on the other line. I stared at my phone in disbelief. What the fuck can she be doing that she can't answer the phone.
_ _ _ _ _  _
Tiara Pov:

"Bitch it's so many niggas out here" Brianna yelled from the balcony

"Good so cover your face before they run away". Riyah said making me laugh, these two is so damn slow it doesn't make any sense

"Can yall come in here so I can explain the plan, we came down here to kill someone not goof around". I said while typing on my phone, me and my brother haven't stopped arguing since the day I left. He thinks I've lost my touch. Which I haven't it's just I don't want to kill kentrell, but of course, he had to do the most. His dirty ass

" We can still have fun Tiara, at least make the best of it while we're down here," Lariyah said snatching my phone " and stop arguing with your brother"

I sighed and told them the plan of how we're going to take this girl down.

"she's not going to be an assassination, I'm pretty sure she stays strapped and on guard." riyah said making agree

" right, and she has to be good if your father even told us to be careful" bri added

" I know, if decide to hand on hand combat then kill her then we need to be smart. If she's anything like us or better she's not going to be taken down easily." I said making them nod in agreement

"true-true, but were down here for 1 week," riyah said walking towards her suitcase "Might as well have fun while we're here," she said smiling

'Hell yea!" Bri shouted

I smile looking them in their eyes " I'm down "
_ _ _ _ _
4 hours later ...

By far, we have gone to dinner, went shopping, seen the "Arc de Triomphe". We are honestly having a good time. I'm glad we decided to explore

" I'm so sorry," I said as I bumped into this lady

" it's ok darling I should've watched where I was going," she said in a fake British accent. It's very hard to spot, but someone who's been studying the language for more than 3 years should be able to immediately notice it.

She smirked wide at me as soon as she saw my face.
why is she smirking? Does she know me?

" I'm sure I will be seeing you soon darling. Ta ta" she said before disappearing within the crowd

Did she just say that? Is that- but she doesn't have red hair so how is that - disguise! I mentally slapped my forehead, I'm so fucking slow

" Tiara? Who was that? "

"that was Amber . " as soon as those words escaped from my mouth they had the same expression as me; shock

Ring Ring Ring

I groaned, pulling my phone out of my pocket

"Who is it " Riyah questioned

"Kentrell" I responded.

"Hello?" I spoke answering the phone

"Hey mamas, what you doing?" he asked sounding excited

"I'm busy kentrell ca-"

"With what ?" I can tell he was scrunching his face.

I almost laughed at how I imagined him looking

"Something happened, which took us all by surprise. Can I- "

"No you can't call me back, bitch I called you to talk"

"Don't call me out of my name, I said I'm fucking busy so I will call you later dick breath". I said quickly but angrily

"I see how it is," he said then hung up, I rolled my eyes

"I don't have time for him right now or his attitude," I said to them

"right we have bigger problems right now, Stanky ass" riyah rolled her eyes leaning on one leg

"So the person we are supposed to kill knows.. you"
Bri asked pointing at me

"how do you know, she knows her," riyah asked confused

"the way she smirked when she saw tiara, she knew obviously who she was. It wouldn't take a scientist to figure that out" Bri said smugly making riyah smack her lips

"but nobody knows tiara, or at least as his daughter so ho-"

She stopped talking as realization hit all of us at once

"She knows," we all said at the same time

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