Chapter 27

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I held my remote in my hand deciding on what show me and Kd can watch, we have gotten even closer since I've been avoiding kentrell for like a week now.

I felt extremely disgusted when he fingered me that day. Kentrell sticks his dick and fingers into any bitch he can get his hands on, and knowing he put those pussy grabbers into me disgusts me and make me want to strangle him. Knowing I have feelings for him makes me feel even more disgusted with myself because kentrell be with so many people and he can't stay loyal to save his life and I know if I was to give that bastard a chance it would only leave me hurt in the end

I've already been through a lot, I don't need him to add more to my plate. I just need these feelings to hurry up and go away so it will be easier to kill him

" TIARA!" Kd yelled loudly into my ear

"Huh? " I asked looking at him annoyed.
don't get me wrong I love kd, but sometimes he is asking to get put in a body bag

" damn bitch, what is you on cloud 9? I've been calling your name for the past few minutes"
He said dumping all the junk food and juice onto my bed

"Sorry, I was just thinking about -"

"Kentrell," he said cutting me off

"No dumbo, I was thinking about life," I said lying clearly, which he could tell

"Mhm." He hummed while grabbing a bag of chips

"Whatever, I picked the show. It's my favorite"
I said getting excited inside just thinking about it

"What is it?"


"That cartoon you always watching ?"

" first of all bitch it's not a carton, so watch your fucking mouth," I said getting mad, I don't give a fuck I don't play about naruto that's my fantasy husband.

" girl that lame ass shit, I don't want to watch that," he said chuckling

"Please Kd? You'll like it I swear" I whined tugging on his shirt

"Girl play it and let me go before I slap the shit outta you"

" k!"
_ _ _ _ _

I paused the show as I heard a noise coming from downstairs

"Kd you heard that," I asked getting out of bed

"No. Play the movie,"  he asked reaching for the remote

" I heard something, I know I did. I'm finna go check it out " I said walking towards my door

" do you not watch scary movies? never separate from the group that's how the bitches get killed, let's go"

We walked down the stairs quietly trying to make sure we don't be heard

"Tiara! Can we please go back upstairs" kd whined

" if your so scared, go! I'll go alone" I scolded
continuing walking down the stairs as he stood on that one step

He groaned " I'm only coming because if you die Kentrell will beat my ass "

" why don't you have the lights on" he whined once again

" shut the fuck up kd!"

As I got off the last step I ran into a wall
Wait, there isn't a wall right there

I felt the person pick me up from my shirt and held my face to face with them

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