Chapter 12

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Tiara POV:

"H-How," I asked with my voice cracking.

"Tyler.. he killed her, the neighbors said every time they passed the house it smelled." she stopped talking then continued "So the police checked it out, and saw her body in the middle of the floor." multiple tears rolled down her cheeks.

"and Tyler ?" I asked processing everything

"he escaped before they could get to him," she said sighing sitting down on the chair in the kitchen

I felt something in me just break, my things fell to the ground as I cried. My tears didn't hesitate to fall.

"mommy.. dead?" Bella asked
For her to be 4, she catches on quickly.

Tears rolled down her face as she ran into my mom's arms and hugged her

I turned around and ran to my car, just driving to where ever the universe takes me. Which led me to my grandma grave

I sat down crying uncontrollably
" grandma, Trinity is gone," I said bursting into tears all over again

"Why did he take her from us, she has a damn daughter. How am I supposed to help raise a kid? I don't know a thing about being a mother. My best friend is gone, and I have to feel this pain all over again. What am I supposed to do grandma"
I cried leaning my head on my grandma's headstone.

My phone started ringing. "Pops🤞🏽❤️"
Me: Hello.
I said trying to sound ok

Dad: baby, I'm so sorry
Hearing his voice just made me break down all over again

Dad: me and your brother are on our way.
We talked for hours and he even stayed on the phone with me until I got home safely
_ _ _ _ _
I stood in the shower feeling numb, I'm tired of feeling pain.  8 to 13 I had to deal with my mom's crazy ass boyfriend, plus I had my first heartbreak then. 14, my grandma had died, the only person who helped me feel better through the struggle of my mom and her ex.  16, that's when my aunt met her boyfriend, I never saw her much after that. Riyah and Bri, I knew them since I was 6, but until this day they don't know what I've been through. And now, I've lost my aunt

It's a never-ending nightmare, and man I'm just tired. I'm tired of smiling all the time, pretending like everything is fine, all that shit that has happened to me made me stronger.. but I didn't deserve it. I know I will be scared for the rest of my life. But I'm not one to complain about my pain, I just deal with it. I have no choice

I washed my body with my favorite scented soap then got out, I brushed my teeth until they felt clean then walked into my room and got dressed in a black hoodie and black sweatpants

I laid in bed looking at the ceiling, as tears rolled down to the side of my face, I got up and went to Bella's room, I knocked on her door and walked in.  I found her sitting on the edge of her bed sniffling

"Bella... I'm sorry. We should've been more careful about what we said around you" I said sitting next to her

" doesn't matter, she's gone," She said crying
I also cried while holding her

Bella, I promise I wouldn't ever leave you, I promise I'm going to do what your mom wanted me to. I'm going to take care of you, and treat you as my little sister. As long as you have me and my mom, you will forever be straight, ok?" I reassure kissing her forehead

"can I have a bath? I feel dirty" she asked sitting up

"yea" I mumbled walking to her bathroom

I washed her up, and dressed her in a onesie, she brushed her teeth then went to sleep. I watched her sleep for a while then walked back to my room, sliding down my door

"I want my bubba," I said crying harder
_ _ _ _ _

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