Chapter 18

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Tiara POV;

"Why can't you just shut your damn mouth "

Riyah and Bri have been going at it all morning, it's like I'm babysitting

"Because God gave me a mouth and I'm going to use it, the fuck " Brianna said picking at her nails.

" He needs to take that dick infected ass shit back, you don't need it. It'll be much more peaceful if you couldn't talk" Riyah did a slight laugh after saying this knowing she just triggered the girl's anger on a whole another level.


"shut up both of you damn y'all giving me a headache, let's go get something to eat," I said mumbling the last part even though I hope they heard it.
"QUI ES- TU PAS D'ICI (who are you? you're not from around here ) " this lady jumped in front of us and yelled

I groaned and said awkwardly "correct, nous sommes des touristes y a-t-il un problème? ( correct we are tourists is there a problem ?)"

"This bitch got a problem or some ?"
Bri whispered so only I and riyah could hear.

I looked at the lady with an emotionless face, only for her to have a face full of emotions. Mostly hatred.

" OUi TA CHIENNE NOIRE ( yea, your black. bitch)"

I chuckled and walked around her I don't have time for ignorant people, especially when I can kill her old ass right now.

I kept walking still hearing riyah and the old lady arguing but stopped when I heard a smack come from behind me.

I turned around eagerly to see who hit who.

I furrowed my eyes as I walked towards the scene

" damn Riyah haven't you learned to never be disrespectful to your elders, " I said examining the bruise forming on the lady's cheek, I mean she's old, more fragile.

" The wrinkly rag had it coming, you just walked past while she disrespected us. It's time her white ass got put in her place " she said with disgust laced between every word that came out of her mouth

"I 'm as frappé ( you hit me )" the lady spoke shocked while holding her cheek.

"Oui, salope que j'ai fait, Je ne joue pas à Cette merde dirrespectueuse. Du tout (Yea bitch I did, I don't play that disrespectful shit. At all) " riyah said smiling glad about what she did. Man, she's going to hell

I gently put my hand on her shoulder, which caused her to flinch.
normally I would feel bad, but in her case, I don't feel anything because she was rude.

Quel est ton nom? ( what's your name ?) I asked the lady. Which resulted in her staying quiet-looking away. I'm still confused as to why she hasn't walked away yet

I chuckled at her stubbornness " ok Karen rentre à la Maison et Mets de la glace sur cette joue ( ok Karen go home and put ice on that cheek)"

She rolled her eyes and walked away, I rolled my eyes back at her. She makes me regret helping her, should've smacked the bitch myself.

"Being mean to old people? Ouch and that was my grandmama" the Unkown person said, with anger lit in his voice.
I can tell it's a Male from how deep the voice was

All of a sudden I blacked out, then everything he said started to sink in.
Damnnit Karen set us up

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