Chapter 38

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Tiara Pov:

I yawned as my brother discussed business with his most trusted people in the gang

" am I boring you Tiara," Trey asked

" Lil bit," I said sitting up in my seat

he rolled his eyes at me and continued to talk, but what he said next had caught my attention

" Kentrell peoples are good, but they are not better than us" My brother stated

" kentrell? you mean top?" Lily asked

Lily Rose. She's 4'11 but she's hella good, she's one of my brother's best assets, I think they fucked before too. She's one of our best fighters, and she's a good sniper. So of course she's here.

" oh yeah, I forgot that's what the streets call him" my brother chuckled " like I was saying. they're pretty good, but we can kill them" Trey reassured

" who's taking down kentrell," Liam asked with a look in his eyes

" I am," I said out loud

"you? boss, this has to be a joke" Liam said doing a slight laugh

" am I a joke to you Liam? I assure you I am not weak. do you want to test that out? I'll love to beat that ass" I said shrugging " what you trynna do" I said applying more pressure

he rolled his eyes at me before looking back at my brother

yea, yea. that's what I thought

" Wait. Why are we fighting with them again?" Lily asked

" Nba?" Trey asked


"to avenge Ronny," I said

" right," she mumbled looking down at the table sadly

see what I mean? everyone loved him

" Well that's it for today, I'm hungry. See y'all later" Trey said making his way out the door with me right behind him

" what you about to eat?" I asked

" food," he said

" What kind of food?" I asked

" food that's edible," he said still walking

" nigga. if you don't want to feed me you can just say that" I snapped angrily

" I don't want to feed you," he said amused

I huffed before walking away from him with my eyes closed

" Poor Ronny" I heard someone say making me open my eyes

" yea," someone else said

I joined in the conversation, seeing Clarissa and Noah

" Hey" I grinned " what y'all talking about," I asked

" Ronny," Clarissa said before Noah could

" oh?" I said in a questioning tone

" We miss him. that's all" She said playing in her hair nervously

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