chapter 36

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Tiara POV:

the next day:
" Tiara!" Bri shouted walking into my room with food

" yes?" I asked looking up from my book

" I missed you man," she said, pouting laying in the spot next to me  " you have no time for us anymore," She said cuddling into my side " with your bald-headed ass"

" I missed you to my love" I giggled putting my book on my nightstand

" Alright so tell us that what had happened," Riyah said walking in with drinks, sitting crisscross apple sauce at the foot of the bed

" ok" I started; sitting up against my headboard " Tyler had barged into the house and was like who killed my mother and I said me, so he got real mad and cursed me out and then punched the wall. So kentrell had told him to chill out -"

" kentrell should've just minded his own business," Riyah said cutting me off

" he was like chill out, and that's when Tyler said ' she has you wrapped around her finger and your oblivious to the fact that she's trynna kill you. that's when everything went downhill" I said in one breath, reaching to grab a fry

" wow. w-what did 3three say" Bri said softly and hesitantly

done munching on my fry, I took a deep sigh " they were all upset and annoyed, but kd was hurt the most" I said grabbing my drink " oh god" I moaned closing my eyes

" They have the best strawberry lemonade," I said in all honesty, sipping some more

" hell yeah, that's why wendy's always my go-to. fo-fo fo, spicy chicken nuggets, sweet and sour sauce and jr bacon sandwich, strawberry lemonade" she said all in one breath

I smiled looking upon her before my thoughts drifted to kentrell, he's pissed and I don't know how to make it up to him

" so what are you going to do now?" Bri asked with a mouth full of food

" don't speak with food in your mouth, and I'm going to finish my food first, then go to the store, then I'm going to figure out what really happened that night with Ronny," I said eating my burger

" Ronny? wait, what happened with Ronny" Riyah asked looking between me and Bri

" Right?!" Bri said looking at me

my eyes widened " I didn't tell y'all? god, well Trey told me that Kentrell killed Ronny and that's why he wants him dead"

" no!" Riyah said covering her nose with her hands with tears in her eyes

lowering her head, bri took a shaky breath " everybody dying left from right, and we're just sitting on our ass" Bri spat wiping her tears roughly

" I promised Trey I will have Kentrell head; for Ronny," I said smiling reassuringly

If y'all haven't noticed by now, we were all close. Ronny, Trey, Bri, and Riyah, and I were all a group, nobody came into our group and nobody went out, it was always just us growing up. I've known Ronny since forever, he was Trey's childhood friend, and when I became friends with Riyah and Bri, we all just seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces.

It's been like that for forever, but two days before I met kentrell my brother had sent Ronny on a secret assassination, rumor was heard that he had gotten kidnapped, my brother and his crew did everything to find Ronny because Ronny was loved by everyone. But nobody could find him, even the best trackers couldn't find him, and when me and my friends offered our help, my brother forbid us to ever look for him. Afraid that we'll also go missing

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