Chapter 23

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Tiara POV:

I was sitting in my living room watching "Naruto Shippuden" when kentrell called me.

"Hello" I answered annoyed

they always calling me when I start
watching naruto, that shit is irritating.

"Damn what you mad for ?" He chuckled.

I mugged him "because yall always call me when I'm watching naruto like leave me the fuck alone " he only laughed which made me even more annoyed because what's funny?

"I'm finna come over, you cool with that? " he asked making me smile remember when I told him he's supposed to ask before coming over

Yea bring your blackass over and also get some food "

"ok" was all he said before he hung up the phone.

I wonder what my dad has been up to, I haven't talked to him since the day I moved into my house and that was 2 weeks ago.

I'm surprised kentrell just called me because I haven't talked to him either, his pride is too high for me, there ain't no way he was mad over something as stupid as that.

I continued watching naruto for 15 more minutes, then kentrell wobbled his big ass through the door.

Since I had already unlocked it for him "here " he said handing me an IHOP bag

I stared at the bag greedily before hungrily taking my first bite.

"What made you call me," I asked him

"it's been 2 weeks, that's enough of your punishment." He said drinking his orange juice

"Punishment? Bitch you gave me the best 2 weeks of my life, fuck you" I said chuckling with a little bit of pancake flying out my mouth

"ewwwww" kentrell scrunched his face as he handed me a napkin

"My bad, " I said laughing

" baby joe still don't like you " when that came out of his mouth I only laughed more

"you think I give a fuck? Baby joe can suck my dick from the back"

kentrell chuckled before rolling his eyes "you going to get fucked up. But how you been lately ?"

Horrible. "I've been alright,".

"You going to tell me that bogus ass lie? Just tell me the truth" he whined

"Well, I act like I don't care but I swear the shit kills me," I said smiling looking at him

"what about you? You ok?" I asked eating my pancakes

He just looked away playing with his food " I talked to my grandma a week ago, she said my papa got a couple more months to live"

"what's wrong with him," I asked genuinely concerned

" He got cancer, stage 4 "

I nodded before giving him a hug "Ian going to tell you "it's ok " because I know you don't want to hear that shit, but all I can say is cherish the last moments of his life with him. It'll be worth it "

when I said that I swear I felt something wet hit my shoulder, but then I couldn't feel it anymore. I think I'm tripping, or he crying on me

"You wanna go to your house ?" I asked him to change the tension in the room.

"yea, but later, I like it quiet" I stayed cuddling him for 5 more minutes
before we both talked some more and made our way to his house.

we busted through the doors and all you heard was moaning,

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