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I bit my lip to stop it from quivering

" T, I just want my mom" I broke down crying into her arms

She wrapped her arms securely around me and stroked my hair

" I don't even remember her voice, all I have is pictures. It's not enough" I sobbed

She held me for a few more seconds before picking my head up

She gently wiped my tears and kissed my forehead

" if it helps, you look and act just like her." She smiled fondly " that's a good thing" she continued

" it doesn't help. But Thankyou" I sniffled

She looked at me for a second before letting me go and standing up

" When I first saw your mom after a very long time, she had you with her and you were 5 I think. That was the last time I saw her, and she gave me a note, saying to give it to you if you ever miss her"

She said digging through an old antique box

She pulled out a crumpled old letter and handed it to me

I wiped my snotty nose using my sleeve and opened the letter

Dear, Bear

If you are reading this, that means something has happened that you can no longer talk to me or be with me in person.

I hope you know I am very sorry for ruining your childhood over a man I was just too dumb to see the true him.

I love you with all my heart Bella, you will forever and Always be my pride and joy

I wish I could've watched you grow up into the beautiful young lady I know you've grown to be

But things happen

I want you to know you are never alone, you have family and as I'm sure of, friends?

I will always be beside you baby, protecting you, watching over you, guiding you.

I know I made the correct choice sending you to live with my sister

I hope she hasn't been too much of a pain in the ass, I know she can be quite bossy

You've gotten closer with Tiara? I'm sure you have, everybody loves her

One thing I want you to remember as you continue to grow is that We all carry scars and have caused them

Keep that in your mind always, okay?

Always be independent, depend on no one, as long as you got yourself then you'll forever be straight.

Never let words cause a wound so deep that you can't fix it. You're my daughter, you're stronger than an average woman

I have to go now, my love. But remember, mommy loves you most.

Sincerely, Mom

I gripped the letter as more tears than before fell down my cheeks

" Thankyou T" I smiled brightly at her

" your 13, you have the right to read that letter" she chuckled scratching the back of her neck

" what are you crying for?" Kentrell asked walking in the room " crybaby ass" he teased

" shut up dipshit" Tiara snapped eating some fruit off of his plate

He smacked his lips " man move"

I watched as they bickered back and forth, and found myself subconsciously smiling at

I love them will all my heart, and I know as long as I have them I'll be okay.
_ _ _ _
It's been a while, missed me?

No? Fuck y'all

Love me until the End ( COMPLETED✅)Where stories live. Discover now