Chapter 43

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Tiara POV:

" WE ONLY HAVE TWO DAYS! BRIANNA WHY ARE YOU LIMPING" Trey yelled, as we fought each other

" I um- I- boy it ain't your business" She answered rolling her eyes

Trey huffed while crossing his arms glaring at all of us

" Trey, we're doing our best," I said standing up with the help of Liam

" it's not enough," He said making half of us groan and the other half roll their eyes

" AGAIN" He yelled making me sigh turning towards Liam

I ran at Liam with full speed before throwing a kick at his side
Liam blocked my kick and used his hand to grab my leg and made me lose balance

"Ouch" I grunted while falling to the ground hard

I laid still on the ground while watching the clouds

I like watching the clouds. I wish I was a cloud

" come on, get up," Liam said making me groan but I still got up.

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" trey I'm TIYAD!" I complained

" well, that's too damn bad!"
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" trey" I wheezed bending over with both hands on my knees " I can't... I- need water" I said standing up lazily

" go. You fat bitch"

" how I'm fat, you've been wo-"

" GO"

I sipped the cold water and moaned as the cold liquid flowed down my dry throat

I stood up wiping my mouth and looked over and to see the view outside

We're at a deserted area in the woods, it's a quiet place but you can still hear animals in the distance

I opened the door leading to the outside and took and deep breath. It's refreshing

I looked up at the sky and slowly closed my eyes

The moment lasted not too long before it was ruined

"you're putting much effort into this training, I see"

My eyes snapped open and I looked up to see Ryan " what are you doing here man" I asked tiredly not looking for a fight

" I came to visit, to see what you were doing. Seems like your not doing much, so I shall be on my way" he said turning around

" you killed Ronny because he was assigned to kill your beloved when I recall you being friends with Ronny." I said making him stop walking " how could you kill your friend like that"

" Now don't go assuming things Tiara, he knew George was my boyfriend and still went after him. He chose the job over my happiness, So I chose my happiness over my friend" He said before getting in his car driving away

I stood there watching his car leave in the distance

"you're going to kill him?" I heard behind me

"What?" I asked him

" I said, are you going to kill him" kentrell repeated

" no. my brother is," I said looking at kentrell

I walked towards him and threw myself in his arms

" you ok ?" He asked holding me tight

" no," I said snuggling into his warm chest

" ok," he said resting his head on top of mine

I looked up at him and puckered my lips, he chuckled but kissed me anyway, we made out in the middle of nowhere. With my hand holding the side of his face: and him rubbing my waist

" I want to say it. But everybody I end up loving leaves me" I said making him furrow his eyebrows " I don't want your dented ass to leave me"

He rolled his eyes, then softly kissed my forehead " I'm not going anywhere sour pussy"

I slapped his chest and laughed quietly

" Tiara" I heard

I looked behind kentrell confused " what Tyler?"

" they found mom"

" well. Where is she?" I impatiently asked walking into the meeting room, seeing everyone already there

"Finally" trey groaned standing up

" she's in a warehouse, in Mississippi," Kedric said typing on his computer

" How did you find her?" I asked

" does it matter? Let's go" Tyler said jumping up and down

" yes, it matters. How did you find her?" I repeated

" from y'all last encounter with them, I was parked 2 min away in the minivan and saw some movement in the ally nearby. So I went to check it out, and I saw Kennedy and Ryan talking but I couldn't hear anything, when I was walking near the van, I saw a tablet on the floor of the van that was showing some type of video footage; it was your mom, so I opened the car door, luckily it was unlocked, took the tablet and ran back to the van" He explained proudly pushing up his glasses

" ok Superman, how did you find out where she was at," Ben asked

" ever since that night I've been trying to hack into this specific system, and I just got in and was able to pinpoint the location of the camera that's getting used to recordher" He grinned

" nice. let's head out, Kedric let's go. We're going to need you" Trey said walking out of the door with me, kentrell, Riyah, 3three, and Tyler behind him

" LETS GO" Tyler yelled jumping around

"Mane if you don't shut the fuck up" kentrell yelled at him

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I've been taking a long time updating, I know. I'm sorry. A lot has been going on

I go out of town in a couple of days so.. updating going to be real slow.. sorry

Hope y'all had a good 4th of July💙

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