Chapter 16

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Tiara POV:

I stared down at her casket in disbelief
"She's really gone" I said as tears fell from my eyes.
"It's going to be ok" Trey reassured me wiping away my tears
I held her hand as i gave her one last kiss on the cheek
" I will make sure Bella grow up to be strong , and beautiful just like you. I promise everyone will know the name of Bella Braxton"

At The Winters HouseHold...

Me: I was being stronger then I thought I'll be
Kentrell: you is strong for a female , any bitch I know would've fell to her damn knees
I laughed " just because I didn't have a meltdown doesn't mean every bone in my body didn't want to"
He chucked
Kentrell: where's Bella
Me: she's in her room, my mom helping her pack for camp
Kentrell : when she leaving ?
Me: Tomorrow morning
Kentrell: my baby is leaving me ? I need to see her
Me: come on then shit.
And with that I hung up on him .

*Knock Knock* Tiara! My brother yelled
Huh? I yelled back
"Me and dad need to talk to you " I mentally groaned, what the fuck they have to talk to me about .
I jogged downstairs and saw them in the living room looking all serious and shit

What's going on? I questioned
Dad: alright how I put this s-
Trey: we was going to come down here even before Trinity passed, because we need your help
My dad glared at Trey, as I held a confused look on my face
"You need my help with what" I said with a slightly attitude
Dad: we need you to hit a lick on someone
Me: why can't you two do it
Trey: for one , your looks will draw him in. Your smartness will keep you on top of your shit, and you would have to figure out what there next move is, and why they killed our boy. And we trust you
Me: ok blah blah blah . Who is it
He opened his mouth to speak , then all of a sudden there was a knock at the door

I got up and opened the door, and smiled as I looked into kentrell pretty light brown eyes .
I looked over to my dad and father , and they had this look on their face but I couldn't figure out what kind of look it was .
"Hey trell"
Kentrell: wassup Guh. he said chuckling
He said hello to my brother and father, before making his way to Bella .

Trey: well, look like you already drawn him in. It shouldn't be that hard now should it .
I gulped loudly , as I stood there talking everything in
"Y-you're kidding right "
I have to kill Kentrell.
"This is no joke , Tiara. Can you do the job? " my father said bluntly
I walked out the house and got into  my car .

You have to be fucking  kidding me ? How am I supposed to kill my friend ? Are they fucking crazy. When it comes to killing people, and having  mo mercy . I'm the girl to call, but this is different . This is kentrell we're talking about for fucks sake . This is going to ruin everything for him , he has kids. And dreams to fulfill. People to inspire, I can't take away away people happiness , over something like this . But I can't tell my father and brother that , I don't know what to do, if I don't do it they going to do it . So either way..kentrell is dead. I can either help kentrell not be killed, but then I'll be betraying my brother and father. But if I do kill kentrell, not only do I take away him away from his family but the whole world. I sat down in the middle of the beach, with my feet in the sand . I looked into ocean looking for a answer .

"Grandma , Trinity . What the fuck do i do."

Where did kentrell go? I questioned the two men sitting on my couch looking dumb
They both shrugged avoiding eye contact with me
Me: what the fuck did you do to him
Trey: NOTHING! He went home
Me: but you did something , what is it
Dad: nothing we sat here waiting on you to get back. He said lying right through this fucking teeth
Me: did you hurt him? They both furrowed their eyebrows
"What?" I asked
Dad: what exactly do you have with that boy? Are y'all fucking
Me: no, he's just someone I'm very close to. I even met his son
Trey scoffed " you let someone get you soft, what happened to that cold hearted girl that didn't give a fuck about anyone's life"
I immediately grew angry " I'm still fucking here you moron, but I have a heart to! I kill when I have to, not for fucking fun." I growled

Trey: then prove it . He said with attitude
Me: what?
Trey: prove that your still the cold hearted killer , that killed over 100 people in one day
Me: I told you not to bring that up anymore. I spat
Trey: you've grown fucking soft.
"I have not , you fucking dummy" I said getting In his face

"Prove it, kill the person I want you to. Prove to me your still that cold hearted person".
Me: who shall I kill first
Trey: start off with kentrell
Me: No I spat.
Tre: this is-
Dad: do one of my hits, her name is Amelia Scott. She's just like you in certain ways . But I must say, she will not be easy to kill
Me: well, looks like I will have to see for myself . Where does she live ?
Dad: Paris
Me: glad I learned how to speak different languages, Seem like triple 3 is back againn . I said smirking
Trey scoffed. He's really trying me

In TiaraRoom...

Hello? Brianna and Riyah said at the same time
Me: pack your bags, we're going to Paris
Riyah: wait wh- yesss finally I've been waiting
Brianna: so who were looking for ?
Me: Amelia Scott

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