Chapter 20

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Tiara POV:

I winced as I touched the bruises on my face. "I look so ugly " I whined

" no, you've always been ugly. Know you just uglier," riyah said as she was cleaning her cuts

"Stop talking to me you crunchy Pussy ass hoe, you can't ever keep your mouth shut," I yelled backing away from the mirror to look at her in our bedroom

"ok and? fuck, and that's not what your nigga said he when his face was buried deep in this pussy baby!" She said rolling her neck "Brianna why are you so quiet" she asked making the both of us look at Bri who was looking out the window

"Everyone knows that your torrey daughter, so that means we're always going to have to be cautious because everyone wants your head," she said sounding Guienne sad.

" I mean yea but as long as we have each other backs we should be cool I guess, " I said shrugging hoping it calmed her down but she only looked away biting her lip as tears were filling her eyes

"Brianna, Torrey won't ever let something bad happen to us especially Tiara, you know that. We will be fine " riyah reassured

"No, it won't! She can get captured at any second. We can die at any minute. You saw how fast we just got kidnapped " she screamed at riyah as tears streamed down her face

I walked over to her and hugged her
" it's okay boo,  you know a bad bitch like me can't be taken down that easily," I said laughing and she soon joined right along with me.

For the rest of the night, we all discussed how everything was going to turn out the next day.
— — — —

"Hi Amelia"! I chirped smiling waving the gun in my hand from side to side

She turned around quickly, but her main focus was on the gun.

"What you doing boo," I asked smiling, I let one of the bullets fly out making sure to pass her face by only an inch.

"What," she asked annoyed.

" so, I was wondering when were you going to come to kill me," I said raising my eyebrows

" I can never kill you," she said looking into my eyes " you look too much like him, even though I should be considering killing you since your someone dearest to him. Break his heart,  just like he did me "

I laughed . " girl what? Your ass a crazy bitch"

"I would've loved to have a child who's as beautiful as you, but sadly your not." She pouted looking at the ground "Actually, I will kill you " she said looking up smiling crazy

I looked at her confused before I felt something metal touch the back of my head

I kept a straight face, but I'm freaking out, we're they here the whole time?  and what does she mean?.
I wanna go home

She walked towards me and touched my cheek gently, I tried to jerk my face out of her grasp. But she grabbed me by my face so rough I'm sure she left her hand mark on me.

" Why won't you kill me yourself, are you scared? Do it " I yelled spitting on purpose

But she didn't even flinch

"I can snap your neck right here don't test me, little girl"

I smirked at her as riyah pointed a  gun at her head.

I smacked her face and punched her stomach making her hold on me go weak, a gunshot was heard not soon after.

We all watched as the man fell on the ground and Amelia watched unamused that her friend just died right before her eyes. 

I quickly pulled out my gun aiming it right at her wide-ass face.

" are you sure you want me to die, Tiara"

I scrunched my face "Hell yea I want you dead"

"Are you sure you want to kill your mommy?" she said smugly

I looked at her confused
" what are you talking about, and make it quick I don't have all day, "

" Your father doesn't know who your real mother is. He never got a DNA test, do you still want to kill me knowing I can be your mother "

I swallowed the lump in my throat
" yep," I said sending more than just 1 bullet into her skull.

— — —
I stayed quiet the whole plane ride home and inside the Uber. I was quite anxious to find out the truth

But know that I'm facing the very house my father and supposedly mother are in.

I don't know if I even want to hear the truth. I'll be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, nervous isn't even the word to describe the way I'm feeling

But knowing that Kennedy isn't my mother infuriates me. I need to know the truth

I finally built up the courage and opened the door to the house. I found my family sitting in the living room talking, waiting for my arrival since I told them I would be home today.

"Did you do it " was the first question my brother asked me as I walked through the door.

"Yea she's dead, also everyone knows I'm your daughter father, " I said

They all stared at me with a weird look " baby are you ok " my mom asked concerned

I shut my eyes quickly as tears fell
"is she my mother "

"What ?" Everyone asked confused 

"Is Amelia, my mother. " I yelled as tears streamed down my face

My dad looked down, but my mother looked very confused. " baby what are you talking about I'm your mot-" but father cut my mom off before she can even finish her sentence

"I don't know " my heart dropped as more tears fell.

"You don't know huh," I said chuckling looking down

My mom looked between me and my dad completely angry and confused with what she has just heard.

"What the hell are y'all talking about, who else would be your mother," she said but you can hear the pain in her voice

" Amelia Scott" I stated emotionlessly 

She gasped and looked at my dad
" Amelia Scott? you told me she died. You lied to me " mom said as tears fell from her eyes as well

" I had gotten Amelia and you; Kennedy pregnant at the same time, you both also delivered the same exact day near the same time. But there was a mistake, the doctors switched the babies.. we didn't know which baby longed to who. So we just kept quiet. "

I stared blankly at the wall taking in the information he just told us.

" so not only do I not know who my mother is, but I also have a sibling that I don't know about." I said glaring at dad as he avoided making eye contact with me " no time in crying now we need to see if I'm your daughter or not mom "

She nodded her head hesitantly.

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