Chapter 31

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Tiara POV:

I squinted my eyes as a white light was shining in my face, everything around me was silent but I saw blurry figures who were moving in panic

" Mam!" Someone yelled still flashing the light in my face

She yelled something else but I still couldn't hear her. I continued to blink so I can see again

" Can you tell me what day it is"? She asked pulling my eyes up

I tried to speak but my mouth was dry and my body ached all over

What happened?

" What is the year?" She yelled into my ear

My vision finally came back but it was hard to speak to her

I looked at my surrounding, there were at least 4 people in this truck

It was hard to keep my eyes open, but I tried my hardest to keep myself awake

the lady had a needle sticking into my arm

I hate needles

" What is your name ?" She asked

" T- Tiara" was all I could make out before darkness consumed me again

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


" TIARA" I yelled as the building blew up with her in it

" oh my goodness " Rory gasped from beside me

A lady ran up to the child Tiara saved but I could give zero fucks about that little girl

Dropping the food, I ran to Tiara was, but couldn't find her

I dropped onto my knees digging in all the rocks and shit but still didn't see anything
An uncomfortable knot formed in my throat as I was panicking trying to find her

" Help me find her! Fuck is y'all just watching for!" I yelled out to the people in the crowd

Many people ran to where I was, and some ran to other spots nearby

My breathing became uneven and I felt tears brim my eyes

" FUCK" I yelled out loud making people stare at me

" I called the police! They should be here soon"
someone yelled, but I didn't care. I just need to find her

I threw rocks and other shit out of my way but still didn't find anything

I tugged at my hair as I felt tears fall

I'm a pussy for crying

" I found her" someone yelled

I immediately ran over pushing him out of my way

I pulled her body from under all those rocks and seen her bruised up body, cuts were everywhere and she had blood coming from her head. She had burns all over her from the fire and her lip was slightly cut

" fuck Tiara! you should've just let that Lil girl die" I whispered as people crowded me

" I'm so sorry! She's a hero! She saved my daughter" the lady and little girl from earlier said looking at Tiara with sorrow and guilt in their eyes

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