Chapter 34

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Riyah POV:

" We have to get this dumbass out of jail for god knows what! On top of that Trey sloppy dick ass always telling us what we can and can't do. I'm tired of this bu-"

" Girl Shut the hell up!" Bri said looking at me all crazy

" babe you- Ew! what the fuck is that on your lip?"
I ask looking between her and the road

she covered her lip and turned her head away " just a little bump.."

" little? babe that shit look... that's from kissing on that damn dog" I said shaking my head

" 3three is not a dog! I'm tired of y'all talking down on my nigga, everybody gets acne. I just happened to get it on my lip" she snapped, snatching her phone out of her purse and started doing whatever on it

" shut the fuck up," I said rolling my eyes

_ _ _ _ _

" I used to run these streets!" A man in handcuffs yelled as the cops took him to the back

" not anymore. you're a bum!"
the officer replied back

" damn," I said then laughed right along with Bri

" that's how they talk to they ass? couldn't be me" Bri said as we walked to the front desk

" Excuse me I am here for Tyler Scott," I said in a gentle and welcoming tone

" mm. Yes, Mr.Scott. He came in not too long ago. For the crime of assault," She said typing on her computer

" assault?" me and bri asked at the same time " who did he assault?" we said again

" Bri. cut that shit out," I said mugging her

" bitch" she mumbled

" He assaulted a nurse down at Baton Rouge General Hospital"

that's the hospital Tiara was at

" what's his bond?"

" 5,000 and he has to pay Mrs. Sarutobi medical bill," she said while looking at me

" what? I can afford that"
I said pulling out my card and handed it to her

" there you go. Mr. Scott is now able to go home. Let me make a few calls and he will be on his way down" She said and I nodded and went to take a seat

" Aww. You two got me out, how sweet of you" He said as the officer took handcuffs off of him

I smacked his head " who the hell did you assault"

rubbing his head he chuckled " must've been that nurse at the hospital who I had pushed. But it was only because she kept calling my name and grabbing me" he exclaimed

" You gave her a concussion Tyler," Bri said " and you have to pay for her medical bill" she added

groaning Tyler hesitantly nodded his head

" where's trey and kentrell?" he asked getting in the backseat with bella

" saving tiara"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tiara Pov:

I laid limp on the dirty basement floor. only able to see the moonlight that shines through a small mirror

I felt disgusting

After that man raped me, he and his friends beat me until both my eyes were black and I could barely breathe through my lungs

Now that I'm locked up, I'm starting to regret how I took my freedom for granted. I was able to do whatever with my friends, I was so happy after so long of being un-happy

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