Chapter 47

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Tiara POV:

We were sitting in cars 5 minutes away from the underground house the boy told us she was in

We were 10 cars deep.

A lot of our people got hurt or died, but some also made it out alive

Those who were injured were immediately taken to the hospital once it was over. Those who died, we did what they told us to. Trey made everybody write what they wanted us to do if they died

Those who are injured are at the hospital getting treated. Kentrell is one of them. Of course, he didn't stay there willingly

He made me put a camera on my necklace and an earpiece so he can talk to me and watch me as I'm away from him

3three is still in the hospital with Bri. We don't know what's going on. But we're all going to head straight there once all this is over.

" Kedric. Do it".

" ok sir" Kedric hacked their cameras and shut their system down.

" I'm going to turn off their lights. You all will have 5 minutes to get in and take down all the security guards and start killing people. Do you copy?" he asked typing away on his computer

A string of " yes" was heard on his end of the mic

" Tiara your earpiece is connected to me and kentrell's device, so tell him to be quiet as possible when I'm explaining something" Kedric explained seriously

" ok," I said " you heard that kentrell," I asked

" yea" his voices flowed fluently through my ears

" cameras are down. Go-Go-Go" Kedric rushed

I slid the van door open and ran inside towards the house with others beside me

Were doing it mom, all for you

" be careful Tiara. If you need me I-"

" I will make sure to scream your name for help" I finished smiling at him reassuring " and you better do the same"

" you know I will." He patted my head
" Tyler" he called out but didn't get a response

He turned around to see Tyler flirting with a girl

" Tyler" he growled, " did you hear us?" He asked stern and annoyed

" yea, yea I heard y'all," he said waving us off
making me laugh

" go!" Kedric voice rang through my ears making me rush towards the house immediately

The moment we all were in the house the lights went off.

" Tiara, a guard is coming your way"

I raised my gun and once I felt the presence I shot the person

I was the first person to shoot my gun. That caused a hay-wire as I heard feet running towards me

" 2 on your left"

I turned to my left and wasted no time shooting into the figure I saw in the darkness

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