Chapter 32

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Tiara POV:

I squinted seeing the bright light once again in my face, this shit again?

"You awake?" The familiar voice asked

I didn't answer as I tried adjusting my eyes to the light " I'm up" I spoke groggily
My throat felt like sandpaper
" water" I croaked out rubbing my eyes

"Open up" I drunk the water anxiously, it felt good going down my throat, sighing in relief I finally opened my eyes to see Tyler

"I got something to tell you Tiara" he spoke sounding serious

I nodded sitting up " what's up?"

" kentrell fucked somebody he met in the waiting room the day you got put in here," he said

"  as expected from him" I chuckled

I winched slightly from scratching my head too hard

" be careful!" Tyler scolded rubbing my head gently " you ok?"  I nodded smiling at him

" how come you not surprised?" Tyler asked

" because kentrell is kentrell "

He still stared at me confused not understanding what I meant, but in time he will understand what I mean about that bitch

" I told you"

I looked behind Tyler and seen Trey,

" I told you, you couldn't trust him," He stated staring at my wrapped up arm and ankle

" I told you he was going to treat you like every other bitch" he continued, " I told you falling in love with someone like him would only bring pain," he said raising his voice, " I told you falling in love with the person you're supposed to kill will do you no good," he said yelling now

" Trey! I don't have time to listen to that shit right now, instead of saying " I told you so "why can't you just hug me instead because you know I'm hurting hearing some fucked up shit like that!? I know he's a goofy, ok? I know he's no good, but we're no better! Everybody has their fucked up ways! So shut the fuck up"
I yelled at him rubbing my aching head afterward

He stared into my now black eyes and scoffed " you want me to hug you and hold you when you haven't even realized what I've been going through these past few months? Tell me, Tiara, where is Ronny?" He asked in a deep voice

" I- I don't know" I stuttered

Why is he asking me this?

" haven't you noticed that he hasn't been around lately ?" He questioned glaring at me

" no, why?" I asked rubbing my neck

" Ronny? Who's Ronny?" Tyler questioned on the sidelines

" you want to know why I want kentrell head?" He said quickly, his glare never faltering

" who's Ronny?" Tyler asked in a more demanding tone

" why?" I asked but it sounded more like a whisper

" Because Kentrell killed Ronny," he said with his eyes stone cold

I gasped slightly covering my mouth " no" I spoke with tears brimming my eyes

" who the fuck is Ronny" Tyler yelled annoyed

" He was my childhood best friend, and he was also going to be my second in command when dad stepped down from being the gang's leader," he said sadly with his leg shaking rapidly

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