Chapter 45

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Tiara POV:

Since we've come home and told everyone what happened. Bella cried herself to sleep in kentrell arms, she wouldn't want anybody touching her or talking to her besides him.

Dad went to the basement and destroyed everything in sight. The walls might be soundproof down there, but I swear I heard his screams.

Trey went to a bar to drown himself in alcohol to forget that lasting ache in his chest.

Tyler locked himself in his room and hasn't come out since.

And me, well I'm in my old room staring at the wall drowning in my thoughts as Bri and Riyah tried to console me

But they are hurting inside. They're acting like I don't hear they're cracking voices

" shut up. Stop pretending. Cry. Do whatever you have to. I'm out" I stood up and walked out of my room and was on my way out of my house

" where you going"

I stopped walking and slowly turned my head towards the voice

" out"

" but where"

" out" I snapped

But he didn't make a smart comment like I thought he would've, he just smiled embracing my hand with his and leading me to his car

" what do you want" I spoke harshly

" I want to take you somewhere, a place I always go to relax my mind"

" I don't want to go to the fucking beach"

" Good thing it's not a beach"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

" Woah" I looked at the scene in front of me utterly surprised

I didn't think there was even a place like this that exist out here

" it's beautiful right," he asked proudly of himself

" yea. If I was you I wouldn't have shown this to anybody"

"you're the first person I've shown this view to. I don't think others would've appreciated how pretty it was, but I had a feeling you would've" he explained sounding nervous

"Another reason I took you up here, is because this is the place I go to when I feel like my emotions are going to consume me, that my thoughts are eating my brain. Also because this is a thousand feet from the ground and a deserted place so you don't have to worry about being found" he said looking at the city that was so far away but looked so close

" thank you" I mumbled turning my head away from the view to look at a better one

He slowly turned his head to me and smiled " it's nothing really, I'm going to wait in the car and listen to my music while you cry, scream, do whatever" he said about to walk away

I hugged his back tightly as I felt my emotional block slip away

I let go and sat down on the soft green grass. A sigh escaped my lips as I stared at the view

The lit-up lights from the buildings, the clouds in the sky that's a pink-purple color from the sun setting. The trees surrounding me, the cliff I'm sitting on currently, the smell of nature, and most of all the silence. All of it at once consumed me and made me feel at peace

A tear fell

Then another

Then another

And soon, my eyes were continuously letting tears slip and my lip quivered

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