Chapter 30

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Tiara POV:

" you did great today Tiara! It will be fun working with you" My co-worker said as I was dressing to go home

" Thanks, Sam!" I grinned

Today was my first day of being an Anesthesiologist, and it was honestly fun! The staff was funny and kind, well besides the boss. He's an ass and he's arrogant and completely selfish

Like earlier when I was on my break I had gone into the break room to eat some leftover Alfredo from the other night, and when I went in the refrigerator it wasn't there anymore so when I was going to ask Sam about it I saw him eating it while reading a book and when I confronted him about it he only shrugged saying
"Too late now"

Like what the fuck! You don't just go eating someone else's food, he's lucky we weren't in the streets or I would've beaten his ass up.

" you ok?" Sam asked looking concerned

" yea sorry, I was thinking about what happened earlier," I said gathering my stuff together

" it's ok girl, I know he's an ass but on the bright side he's sexy as hell!" She said smiling reassuringly as we walked to our cars

" I've seen better," I said shrugging

" Like who?"

" Chris. Brown" I said grinning ear to ear

" he fine too, but I'm saying someone you actually have a chance with"

My smile dropped when she said that

" you can go to your car, I don't want to talk to you anymore," I said playfully mad

She laughed shoving my shoulder
" see you tomorrow"

I smiled in return about to get in my car when I heard the boss arguing on the phone with someone

I didn't even know I was staring until he caught my gaze and lifted an eyebrow.
Shocked I fumbled getting into the car, but when I did he was already making his way over

" what are you doing?" He asked angrily looking into my eyes

Lord have mercy he's sexy

" I'm about to go home, "I said looking elsewhere

" how much did you hear," he asked calmly

" Nothing! I swear " I said rather too quickly

" I don't believe you," he said looking into my eyes

" what does that have to do with me?" I asked trying to sound nice

He glared at me gripping onto my car tightly

Ok because he better stop looking at me like that before I pounce

" I said I'm sorry" I chuckled scratching the back of my head

He glared at me before turning around to go back inside " don't bother coming In tomorrow"

My jaw dropped when he said that, I was so mad I couldn't even get any words out, so I did the only thing possible

I stuck up two middle fingers while sticking my tongue out with my eyes closed

Sexy ass jerk

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