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5 years later:

"Ka'Loni!" I shouted running after my 2-year-old daughter. " I'm whooping your ass when I catch you" I shouted

" no, the fuck you not," kentrell said scooping her into his arms

" shut your ugly ass up," I yelled at him pulling her out of his arms

" didn't. I. Tell. You. To. Stop. Pinching. Your. Brother" I said hitting her butt with every word

She screamed and cried, being dramatic as always

" bro" kentrell smacked his lips picking her up

" and that's why she thinks she can do whatever the fuck she wants, cause you always spoiling her," I said rolling my eyes but I couldn't help but smile as she burrows her head into his neck

I love the bond Loni has with her father, she's such a daddy's girl and it's honestly adorable. But kentrell be making me want to take this engagement ring off and throw it at his head. But I know I'll never have the guts to do that, kentrell is my other half, I can't possibly think about leaving him

" auntie T" I heard behind me, making me turn around fast

" Lucky!" I shouted picking her up " hey baby, I missed you," I said kissing her cheeks as she giggled

" wassup T" three said making me dap him up

" hey 3, what you been up to?" I ask

" parent council meetings," he said glaring at lucky as he walked past

I giggled kissing her cheek. " ugh your such a cute baby" I said making her pout

" I'm not a baby! I'm 5!" She said holding up 5 fingers

" Whatever you say Chile"

" Tiara, tell him that taking a drink from a waitress is cheating" kd shouted pointing at Tyler

Tyler and Kd started dating a year after everything happened. It took months for Tyler to grieve and Kd stayed by Tyler's side even when Tyler pushed him away and soon enough Tyler fell in love with kd.

" it's not," I said shrugging making Tyler smirk

" girl whatever I should've known not to ask your sour pussy ass shit" he rolled his eyes at me then turned towards Tyler " and that's why you not getting no booty tonight," he said walking away angry making a laughing Tyler follow him

I shook my head and looked towards Riyah who just came in with her son and daughter holding both of their hands.

Trey carried the gene of reproducing twins, and they are so cute. They are the same age as Loni, and already bad as hell. London is the name of their daughter, and Jaylen is the name of their son. London has the personality of her father, she's demanding and mean at times, but to those she loves, she is really sweet. Jaylen is like his mom, he's sassy but calm and minds his own business. Another thing is, they are crazy about each other. 

" hey, tete!" London shouted running towards me hugging my leg

" hey baby" I crouched down and kissed her forehead

" hey tete" Jaylen calmly said walking towards me and gave me a hug

" hey cutie, the others are in the back," I said pointing towards the backyard where loni and lucky is playing on the playground

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