Chapter 21

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Tiara POV:

"Open it, dad," I said with an annoyed

I don't know if I wanted to know the truth or not

"I am damn shut up" he snapped at me.

I looked at him like he had 5 heads "don't yell at me, I'm the one pissed" I scoffed "I don't even know if she's my damn mother or not. the fuck"

he looked at me angrily before raising his hand.

I looked at him, literally daring him to do it, but my mom stopped him beforehand.

"Just open it Torrey damn, we've already been through enough of your bullshit " mom yelled pushing him ma

He just scoffed and slowly took the papers out of the yellow bag

"Nigga wtf" I mumbled snatching the papers from him eagerly looking for it to say she's my mother so I can spit on that bitch grave for lying to me.

I burst out laughing, smiling wide looking at what it said.

" I knew you were my daughter the fuck, I mean you even act like me Torrey get your big ass out my way, " my momma said chuckling, walking away

My laughter soon turned into sobs.

I balled up the paper in my hand and threw it on the floor. " what the fuck is this " I yelled at him.

My mom looked at me with nothing but the pain in her eyes as tears filled her eyes

" you knew there was a 50/50 chance that's she was my mother, and you sent me to kill her anyway. Who does that"

there was this feeling in my chest that I couldn't even explain, I killed my mother. How many can say that?

Even though it hurts knowing I killed my mom and accused her of lying, I just can't bring myself to cry anymore.

Thugs don't cry

He looked down in shame not knowing my mother was making her way to him, anger radiating off her.

She slapped him in every direction possible, she punched him and kicked him anywhere she could.

and he let her because he knew this was the only way for her to let her anger out.

"How could you do this to me " my mom sobbed punching on his chest " I hate you, Torrey. Get out of my house! Get out! Get out my fucking house" she yelled

He soon left, and my mom went to her room to cry.

My brother and I just sat in the living room getting high as hell. It was peaceful, it wasn't awkward or anything because of the silence, it was just nice. 

The silence was interrupted when my phone started ringing
"my annoying 🙄💕"

"Yes, kentrell?" I questioned the second I picked up the call

"Say, open the door"

I didn't know what to say, what the hell I look like bringing him in here and my brother wants his head.

" um, let's go somewhere. I need to get something off of  my chest" 

"Ight, just meet me in the car"


I got up letting my brother know I'm finna to go, but he gave me a long ass hug before I left

"I love you man for real, be safe. ok?"
he said kissing my forehead

"Come on now trey, you know they can't take me out of my own game "
I laughed a little punching his arm

I walked out of the house making sure to put my hood over my head since it was drizzling
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

"How were your weeks in Paris?" kentrell asked taking a puff of the blunt

I thought about his question, trying to decide what I should and shouldn't tell him since I don't fully trust him yet.

"Well, how me getting kidnapped sounds? " I asked chuckling thinking of how I wanted so bad to kill that nigga.

His eyes went wide, not big as they could because we are high but big enough

" what the fuck, why you.  get kidnapped ?" He asked passing me the blunt

I shook my head hitting the blunt
" everybody found out I'm my father's daughter, so they all want my head to get revenge on him, " I said shrugging

He looked at me before running his hands over his face " you sound way too calm right now, knowing motherfuckas out here trying to kill you. I told you to be careful " he shook his head drinking his pop

"It's nothing I can do about it, I mean I'm most defiantly not about to run or hide. Imma thug this shit out. They can't take me out my own game Trell"

I said popping a fry into my mouth. Chewing slowly as hell while admiring his face

He started laughing " say why are you looking at me like that"

I continued to stare at him while touching his face "your very handsome, kentrell "

" Thanks, ma, every other bitch in LA thinks so too. "

I looked at him with disgust before smacking his face softly

"You always saying sum slow goofy-ass shit, " I said rolling my eyes

" Watch your mouth," he said drinking more of his pop

"No bitch you watch your mouth ion know who the fuck- " I couldn't even finish my sentence before kentrell yanked me by my throat

I smiled at him. " yo ass a freak kid " he said never letting go of me

" mhm, so I heard," I said smirking

He just looked at my face before leaning in, not even knowing I was leaning in as well
My mouth grazed over his so lightly before we devoured each other, me wanting to suck his lips off his face.

My tongue danced around in his mouth, and I swear I felt shocks on my skin and butterflies in my stomach

I shook off the feelings going on inside of me and kept kissing him. I bit his lips as we parted.

We were both panting dogs like dogs. Kissing is nice and all, but after it's hard trynna catch your breath.

" your amazing ma" he's said and licked my face before going back to eating his burger.

I just looked at him in admiration.
This boy just made my damn day.

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