Chapter 26

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Tiara POV;

The moon shined bright on his face as he slept.
He looks so peaceful, I wonder what he's dreaming about. I wish I had powers, so I can enter his subconscious and see what he's dreaming about or make him see what whatever I want him to

"What are you doing" I jumped quickly looking over my shoulder "what the hell? minding my own business"

"Why are you watching him sleep? Are you secretly in love with him? I told you not to get attached "

"I'm not! W-why are you here?"

I squinted my eyes to get a better look at Trey, it's hard to see since it's pitch black out here.

"Don't jump to any conclusions-"

"I wasn't "

"..I tracked your car to see where you were and is located here. So I came to check it out"

"Why do you have a tracker in my car?"

"In case something was to happen to you. Duh" he exclaimed as if he said the smartest thing in the world

"That's why I have my necklace "

"Which is at home"

"Go home"

"No "

" go fuck yourself, I'm gathering information

"by watching him sleep?"


He immediately scanned the area, squatting down to cover my mouth "Shut the fuck u- look your dirty ass woke up your boyfriend"

I glanced to the window, and he indeed was awoken. " well if you would've just left when I told you to we wouldn't be in this situation"

" I don't listen to you. When are you planning on killing him"

"Why do you have to bring that up now"

"Because we can do it now. Make it quick, so it can be over " he said in all seriousness


My heart started to beat faster, and my mouth suddenly became dry

"Now." He said looking into my eyes

" I don't want to do it now"

"you like him don't you. I'm not stupid Tiara. I was just playing anyway"

"No, you weren't"

"What are y'all doing " his deep husky voice spoke from behind us

I froze in my spot afraid to move, if I move he'll know this is reality. Maybe if we just stand still he would think this is a dream and take his big ass to bed.

"Hellooo? Why are y'all here"

I turned around slowly, inching towards his face waving my hands in a circular motion

"This is all a dream. You never saw us outside of your window. You -"

" for heaven's sake" My brother injected something in kentrell neck which immediately made him fall asleep

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