Chapter 19

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Tiara POV:

The man yanked the bag off my head, and I groaned from the light shining brightly in my eyes, also from how tight the ropes are around my ankle and wrists.

I suddenly remembered the events that occurred and sat up straight in my seat.
I looked around, only to find Riyah still unconscious and Bri looking down at the ground.

I smirked. Putting us in the same room is the biggest mistake they could've made.

Bri looked at me and started smiling 

"What?" I asked confused

"I figured you'll wake up before Riyah, I mean she is the one who slapped the shit out of his grandma," she said laughing

But that only made the man mad,  he punched me right in the face, and I wasn't even the person who said it

I groaned from the pain. God damn it, my nose though?

"What's your problem, and why the hell am I here" I yelled

but on the inside, I was growing more angry and frustrated. But I still held the same emotionless face, it's better that way

He laughed at me and spit in my face.
I gritted my teeth in anger and disgust

"what? don't you know? The word got out that Big T has a daughter, everyone knows that the best way to get to him is by hurting his baby girl" he said smirking " and might I say what a fine little thang you are "

I looked at him in disgust "you're like 50, and the worst mistake you could ever make is thinking I'm weak. Seems like my dad put you through hell for you to go this far." I said smiling, which once again pissed him off

He punched me in my stomach twice,  making me wheeze. Man I can't wait to kill this guy

"Tiara! Please shut up talking" Brianna begged me, I looked at her and shook my head.

She knows me better than that, I don't bow down and kiss nobody's ass even if it means getting a few bruises in return.

" I just happened to be in Paris when I found out the news. It was the perfect opportunity" he said walking towards riyah " and that old white rag you smacked was my grandmother . YOU BITCH" he yelled and punched her in the face repeatedly.

I looked away and clenched my fist, We need to get out of here quickly.

My eyes scanned the place carefully making sure to look twice, if not that then even more.

I felt a hard smack to my face " what the fuck are you looking for" the man yelled.

"You're going to learn to stop putting your hands on me, " I said harshly, I so badly want to kill him. But I can't let my rash actions get us killed.

" Watch your mouth you dumb whore " he yelled smacking me again.

I bit my lip hard almost making it bleed. Soon someone came busting through the door

  "hey boss, the other two want to know if we can invite some strippers over," he asked looking at me then licked his lips.

he's so ugly, uglier than Ben and that's so fucking sad. " Go ahead,  I'll be up in a minute " The man who kidnapped me replied

The man left leaving it being just us four again " would you mind giving your new daddy a blowjob " He asked making me look at him in disgust but then smirked as an idea popped into my mind

" before I take your soul out of your body, do you mind cooking us some food?  I'm hungry and would like to eat before I touch that" I said trying my hardest not to sound rude.

He looked at me before leaving.
I looked at the girls and we waited a couple of minutes before we broke out the chairs and helped each other get out the ropes.

Before we can even open the door one of the men came walking.

before he can make any sudden movements, we all grabbed him. quickly. well at least tried to, he punched riyah in her eye making her stumble backward.

Bri popped up behind his back and started suffocating him with a shirt.
Who the fuck shirt is that? Hi

Riyah took his gun out of his pants and we made our way upstairs silently.

Riyah put the gun on silent and killed the other two men in the living room. But of course, the strippers had to fucking scream.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? NOOO," he yelled as he saw his friend's dead bodies on the couch.

I smiled as he looked at me with a deadly look. He couldn't kill me even if he wanted to, there wasn't enough hatred towards me and my family

"How did you escape, " he asked sounding a little frightened but just as quick as it came it left.

He doesn't think I can kill him, he thinks I'm a little girl.

"It was quite easy really, but since your going to die anyway, I guess it's no harm in telling you." I said looking him in the eyes " It was obvious that this was your first time. You tied us up in wooden chairs, you left us unattended even though you had that man guarding the door. You're supposed to always think of what happens next, always think 200 steps ahead of your opponent" I explained smugly just to make him more upset

"You took advantage of us, thinking we were weak. I'm even cold-hearted, just like my brother. I don't care about taking the life of others." I said chuckling rolling my eyes

I'm tired of people underestimated g me just because I'm a girl.

"Well, that's enough talking. I'm getting bored. " I said with a straight face, but if you look closely you'll see a hint of excitement in my eyes 

He tried taking his gun out but he had fidgety fingers and made the gun fall

I started laughing and without even blinking my eyes, he was dead on the floor.

" let's take care of this," I said making them nod

We poured gasoline all over the house that we found in the kitchen, and lit the house on fire.

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