Chapter 10

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Kentrell POV

Baeeee! I heard Iyanna yell.


Me: what Iyanna

Wtf is this? She asked shoving that picture of me and tiara in each other faces laughing.
I cracked a little smile at it

Me: what? I said shrugging

Yaya: who is this bitch!
She yelled

Me: watch your mouth and shut the fuck up damn my son sleep.
I said gesturing towards a sleeping Kamari

Yaya: sorry, who is this Kentrell

Me: that's just my friend, and you pissed me off that day so I and K3 went and hung out with her

Yaya: awl ok, so when you piss me off imma go to a nigga house.
She got me fucked up

I yanked her by her arm and dragged her upstairs
Me: you gon do what?

Yaya: I-I said it out of anger, I'm sorry

I chuckled devilishly while ripping her clothes off.
I took a nice glance at her body and got to work.

Even though she annoys me, she once was my escape. I still have some love for her, I don't want her, But I can't stand to see her with someone else

Tiara POV.

Bella your iPad in my bag, get it.
I and Bella are at my job right now.

It's Me, Riyah, and Bri. It's a total of 6 women that work here, and only 3 work each day.

I work a total of 3 days, out of the 7.
I sometimes have customers come to my momma's house for me to do the hair, I make a lot of money doing what I do.
So, whatever helps me get this bag, I'm cool with it.

Riyah: boomer ass irritating
she said while cleaning up her section.
Me: how?
Bri: he left her ass horny
I started laughing
Riyah: that's not funny like I was looking forward to getting the dick last night

I laughed once again
Riyah: why you laughing, what about you and Kentrell!
She yelled
Me: what about him? I mumbled shrugging

Riyah: what he does
Me: what are you talking about
Riyah: why you just get quiet, bitch do you like him?
Me: hell Na, I'm -

Bestie! He screamed into the phone
I laughed
Bestiebaeee! I said back
Wyd? I asked him
Kd: man nun, I'm bored as hell. What are you doing?
Me: I'm at work
Kd: can I slide?
Me: come on, imma share my location with you
Kd: It
*End of Conversation*
Bri: who was that

Riyah: so what y'all fucking now
Me: Kentrell said the same thing. Fuck is to y'all

Bri: look how close y'all got, in the little amount of time that you known him.
Riyah: right, I only know two people get so close so fast. If they were fucking

Me: ok, but we're not. I put that on my grandma, I'm still a virgin

Riyah: good, I didn't want you to lose your virginity to that big ear dinosaur
Bri: right
Ella: I wanna see Kentwell
Riyah: girl who?
Me: Kentrell?
Ella: yea
Me: Want me to call him
Ella: yea

*Calling dentrell😭🤚🏽*

Hello? I heard a voice say, that did not sound like Kentrell's

Who this? The person asked
Tiara, who this?
Yaya. She said with an attitude
Me: oh, can you give the phone to Kentrell
Yaya: he sleep
Me: ok, when he wakes up tell him to call me
Mmhm was all she said then hung up.
*Conversation over *
Bitches like that deserve to get their ass whooped, Bri said
Me: man I swear.
Kd: the big dick king has arrived
Me: hey best-

"Sorry, I'm late ". Some lady said walking in, with a hat on her head

Which one of you is a tiara? She asked
I am, I said stepping up.

And you are? I asked extending my hand out
Kenya, she said smiling. She was very pretty
You are very beautiful Kenya, kd said smiling at her
Thank you...
Kd. He said grinning still
Thankyou Kd. You're very handsome

The two was talking until I interrupted

what hairstyle would you like Kenya?
She showed me the lace front she wanted, and I got to work

Bella: kd
Kd: yes baby
Kenya: that's your niece or?
She asked staring at Bella with admiration

Kd: Na, this tiara Lil cousin. She like my Lil niece tho
Kenya: oh she so cute
Kd: you are too. He said while winking at her.

I snorted while listening to him try to flirt with her
Riyah: boy get yo ugly ass out her face, she doesn't want you
Kd: mane STFU, wasn't anybody talking to you. You like me don't you? He asked Kenya
Kenya: yea I do
Bella: kdddd, I wanna talk to twell
Kd: twell?
Me: she talking about Kentrell boy
Kd: ohhhh Kentrell, let me call him
Me: ain't no use, he sle-

Hello? I heard Kentrell voice say on the other end
Bella: twell! She said with excitement
Kentrell: hey Lil mama, you miss me?
Bella: yea, when you gon come see me? She asked pouting
Kentrell: whenever you want me to, just call me, and imma come getcha

Kd let me talk to him, I said with an
Hello? Kentrell said smiling in my face.
I stared at him with a blank face, which made him frown

Kentrell: what's wrong
Me: I thought you were asleep
He scrunched his face up. "Who said that Shìt "
Me: yo girl nigga
Kd: she lied to you right through ha fucked up ass lace front
I busted out laughing
Me: And you are dumb asl Ghe

Kentrell: I got to go, but imma come to see you tomma k?
K. I said then hung up
3 Hours Later...

"You look fine as fuck!"
I said hyping Kenya up.
I just got done with her hair, and she looks worse than a mf

"You look sexy asf Lil baby," KD said to her while licking his lips She giggles and smiled, thank you kd

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"You look sexy asf Lil baby," KD said to her while licking his lips
She giggles and smiled, thank you kd.
And thankyou Tiara, you did yo shit today girl

Me: thanks boo, lemme get your number. Especially if you gon be fucking around with my bestie.

Kenya: k.
We exchanged numbers, and kd walked her to her car
Riyah; I think she will be good for kd
Brianna: right
Me: I hope so, I'll be damned if she does some stupid
Bri: exactly

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