Chapter 33

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" Ew" Bella shrieked looking into the box Tyler brung in

" hush child, you shouldn't even be in here. Go pick your nose or something" Tyler said pushing her head

" that is disgusting," riyah said gagging staring at the heart that was inside the box

" and it smells," Bri said covering her nose

" can we just focus on finding Tiara," Trey said annoyed, how everyone is easily distracted

" we are" riyah snapped annoyed with him overall

" We should get a tracking device on her if this is going to keep happening," Trey said typing into the computer

" you do have a tracking device, her necklace," bri said pointing out the obvious

" I mean a tracking device in her system, like in her arm," he said nonchalantly

" who left that shit on my car and why," Tyler said scrunching his nose, he lifted his arm to run his hand through his curls and Riyah watched as his arms flexed, showing his muscles.

"so fucking sexy" were the thoughts that were running through her head

"One night. One night is all I need." was what she was mumbling to herself as she chewed her fingernails to calm down the throbbing core between her legs

As she was staring at one winter brother, she hadn't even noticed the oldest brother looking at her with jealousy.

" LARIYAH" Trey yelled annoyed

snapping out of her trance she noticed she's been staring at Tyler for a while, with a little drool the  was dripping down her chin

Looking away in embarrassment
" w-what" she stuttered out

" if you're having daydreams about me I wouldn't mind making it a reality" Tyler whispering into the already aroused girl ear

Squealing slightly, she turned her head the other way so the others won't notice her burning cheeks.

" so y'all just going to fuck in front of us huh?" Trey snapped glaring at the two

" if that's what you'd like," Tyler said smirking at him " I don't mind having an audience"

Getting up and slamming his hand on the desk, eyes black, veins popping out of his neck, and his glare might as well be stabbing the two through the heart

He can be intimidating to those who haven't seen his soft side. Sadly that's not a lot of people, most people are used to seeing him this pissed off so it doesn't matter, but seeing him this mad was new to everyone in that room

" I know he has a soft spot for T but damn" Bri thought

But Tyler seemed to be calm as he continued smirking at Trey " what's the matter?" Tyler asked trying to look as innocent as ever

" I know who took her" was all he said as he took big breaths

" who?" they all asked in sync

" dad and I had made sure to hide Tiara from them specifically. But she starting hanging with Gaulden, word got out there quick" Trey said rubbing his temples

He looked so stressed and tired, riyah was tempting to run to him and give him a big ass hug, but then she remembered what he said and without an apology, they can never be cool again. So she stopped herself

Little did she know Tyler saw her as he hesitantly wanted to run into his brother's arms, and he's cool with that. For now

Tyler whispered in her ear,
" you ok?" while rubbing her back gently

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