chapter 37

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" Harder" my brother yelled as I fought with somebody in the gang

I punched him in the face and grabbed his head making it connect with my knee, making him groan and bend over

" hurry up" Trey yelled making me push myself harder

I used the boy back as a steady surface and flipped myself over so I can be behind him

"and just like that I can snap his neck," I said with unsteady breathing

backing up I gave the boy time to get up
"your good" he complimented still holding his nose

" Thanks, Dillan, you're getting better," I said wiping my bloody lip giving him a smile

he grinned before raising his hand out for me to shake, smiling at him I shook it.

" good job" Trey praised me as he walked over handing me a towel

" here," he said handing a first aid kit to Dillan  " thanks man" I heard behind him

" Why do I have to train 10x harder again" I whined as we walked inside the secret base were currently at

" kentrell's not sitting on his ass eating chips and watching Netflix, he's probably working his ass off so he can kill you. You have to be prepared" He scolded " I will hate to have to kill everyone he loves just because he put you in a body bag," He said looking at me serious

nodding I gave him a slight smile making him smile back  " have you talked to Tyler" I asked making his smile immediately fall

" no" he mumbled making me lower my head in shame

I feel bad, that's our brother who I've grown to care about. It's been at least some weeks since I heard or saw him, and that's not good. Anything can happen to him since people are still after us

" his tracker is still on so we know he's safe," trey said making me look up at him

I felt some relief hearing that " oh good"

" Hey, where's Kedric?" I asked my brother

Kedric is the gang's human-computer, he's smart as hell. He could've been a Harvard graduate but instead, he chose to do this for some odd reason. He makes our tracking devices, and he can find anybody, all he needs is a name.

" he's in his lab? why?" Trey asked eyeing me

" nothing just wondering, well I'm about to get some food. want some?" I asked trying to change the subject

"yea" he replied then made his way back to the practice field

" Kedric," I said softly opening his door slowly

" what?" he asked looking over his shoulder at me squeezing his emoji stress ball

he's so cute

" can you help me with something," I asked making sure to close the door

" yea, what is it"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Kentrell POV:

I sighed sitting down on the grass tired as hell to even move a muscle

" that's was some serious training kentrell, how long has it been since you fought like that" Montanna asked handing me a water bottle

I shrugged taking big gulps

'Until then' her voice echoed in my head for the 100th time today, making me groan

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