Chapter 48

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2 Months Later:

Tiara POV:

" Baby you light up my world like nobody else" I sang dancing with the Wii stick in my hand

" the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed" kd sung dancing on the right side of me

" But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell" riyah sang jumping up and down on my left side

" you don't know, oh-oh" I shouted jumping

" YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL!" We all shouted following the just dance movements on the tv

" quiet!" 3 shouted stomping from the hallway
" you about to wake up mani" he shouted angrily

Mani. His and Brianna's baby. She's the lucky one, so her nickname is lucky. She is very pretty and looks just like her mom. But she has 3three personality all around.

" ok but you yelling" kd pointed out

" that's not the point," he said stepping up

" you yelling though," kd said stepping up also

" I said that's not the fucking point"

" bae" I heard a whine from behind me making me look over at kentrell who was changing k3 dirty diaper on the kitchen table

" kentrell why the fuck is you changing that child on the kitchen table? Take him to your room and change him! That shit is nasty. Have some fucking manners" I yelled at him as he ignored me and walked up the stairs with his son in his arms

I walked over and got a Clorox wipe, and started cleaning the table

A knock on the door made me look up and walk over

" Hey," I said stepping aside letting iyanna in

" where the fuck is kentrell and why is he not answering the phone?" She asks angrily

" he's upstairs changing K3," I said calmly walking into the living room and continued my dance with riyah and kd

I trust kentrell, we are happy and we talk all the time about our problems and what we don't like. He trusts that I'm for him and only him, and I trust him. Whatever Iyanna wants, I believe he will talk to her and send her on her merry way. If not, I'm sending her ass out and he getting his ass beat. Simple
_ _ _ _ _

Kentrell POV:

After putting K3 to sleep in my room, I made my way downstairs to cuddle with my baby. I haven't had the chance to kiss her all day and my body is craving her touch, her scent and just to see her pretty smile

I groaned seeing Iyanna in the kitchen

" Why are you here? What do you need? Who let you in" I whined

" I came here to talk to you, and Tiara let me in," she said smugly eyeing Tiara who was too busy laughing at kd

I turned my body around fully and rested my body on the counter. I watched as she jumped in the air swinging her arms laughing while pushing kd

I smiled listening to her laugh. It calms me

" I- I came here to ask why you haven't been answering my phone calls and why you haven't been texting me," she said crossing her arms

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