Chapter 2

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I don't know how to write Levi's pov so in the future when he's a bit out of character, I'm sorry. The pic above is just random comic, read it right to left and not mine.

In an office, there sat a raven who almost finished his paper work and hoped to have a good rest but was abruptly stopped by a loud bang from the door followed suit with a loud shout, "LEEEVIIIIIII!!"

The raven looked up, pinching the bridge of his nose, looking at the female brunette with square glasses and a messy ponytail. "what?" said the raven nearly in a demonic tone.

"Erwin is ordering the 5 elites including you for a mission soooo, come on!!" Said the female brunette, not even flinching. Before the raven could even reply, the female brunette was long gone, probably to inform the others.

The raven sighed and walked into the meeting room, seeing only a tall blonde with bushy brows sitting at the head seat and a few chair to his right was a girl with ginger colored hair. "Hey! Shitty brows, what's up?" The raven said sitting a few chairs away from the blonde man.

"Ah, Levi, your here. Please wait for the others so that I can explain this at once."

Levi's P.O.V

As if on cue, shitty glasses arrived with Eld and Gunther on tow as they took there seats. I heard shitty brows clear his throat and spoke, "So I'll get to the point. Levi, Hange, Petra, Eld, and Gunther. Mike can't make it cause his sick. All of you will go to a forest, and in that forest there is a mansion. The owner of that mansion haven't paid for the drugs he asked for for about half a year and if Hange's calculations are correct it should be about 1.5 billion dollars by now."

Eld whistle, "Then let's get them. I doubt anything will happen considering we have The Demon with us." referring to me as I clicked my tongue. After my little sister and I got away from our sick uncle, we got into the mafia group called Survey Corps when I was 14, I trained day and night to be strong, because strong earns you the right to live here in this part of the world. Eventually, the nickname The Demon circled around me, and now I'm 19.

I snapped back to reality when shitty eyebrows cleared his throat again and spoke.

"Yes, but be cautios. So here's the details..."


Everyone was standing up and leaving for the mission as I checked the time, it was 8 a.m sharp. Maybe we can get there in 20 minutes, kill everyone and get the money then finally have some rest. I though as I walk to get ready the mission.

We were all wearing black for stealth and had communication devices in our ears so we could talk in separate places, knives on the side of our left thigh and guns with silencers. We got into a van and 25 minutes later, we got dropped off infront of the forest and giving out my signal, everyone started searching.

It didn't take long to find it and now we're a couple meters infront of it, hiding in the trees. My attention was grabbed by a broken glass window like someone dashed through it. The inside was dark considering that we're in a forest so the sun doesn't get through much. But why are the lights out? I ordered Gunther to cautiously get into that window and see if anything were out of place.

"Umm... Captain... you might want to see this." There was hesitation, as if unsure. "And nobody's here... well, not anymore." said Gunther,

Not anymore? what the hell is he talking about? "Everyone go through the fucking broken window but be cautious, I'm not letting myself drag a corpse." I ordered.

"Yes sir!" Petra and Eld said.

"OKAY, SHORT STACK!!" Shitty glasses shouted through the earpiece.

I clicked my tongue, "Don't call me short stack shitty glasses, and stop shouting on the microphone! Anymore and my fucking ears are gonna bleed." we got into the mansion and was hit with a disgusting smell, and I felt myself cringe at the scene. I kept my stoic face but still surprised as we see what seemed to be two bodies cut to pieces and three were shot right in the head, blood everywhere. I cringe at the sight "Disgusting... Everyone, check every room and kill anyone you see, don't let any shits escape but if you see the pig keep him alive, we still need to get the money and answers from the asshole.

Everyone nodded but before anyone could leave, a scream was heard, halting everyone. It came from the second floor. "Go."

The second floor had too many fucking rooms as we checked each one, either clear or littered with limbs, bodies and blood. The last one was the master's bedroom, we heard a faint sound came from it.

We lean towards the door and hear someone talking, "I'll repeat what I said, where is the money? Your sluts doesn't know where so I already killed her. You don't want to get your ugly dickface beaten up, right?" A voice spoke much like a brat? But the tone of the voice was flat, as if they were bored of whatever they were doing. Then they heard another voice, much more rougher.

"I-i-its b-behind th-the p-pa-painting" It's the pig.

Suddenly, we heard foot steps getting a little further and a creaking sound. "what's the code?" the brat voice said.

"I-its 4-5-1-3" the pig confessed then we heard multiple beeps and a sound of a safe opening.

"Hmm... It's not much, I'll estimate it to be 'bout third of a billion. I'll keep it as pocket money, Dad wouldn't mind and I might as well kill you since you can't return the rest of the money." said the brat. Wait, we still need the pig for questioning. Before I could even kick the double door open, multiple gunshots were heard and there standing, a boy with a black scythe on his shoulder, his other hand holding a suitcase and a gun pointed at a now dead body. His back towards us, pieces of bodies from women and guards are on and around the bed.

He turned his body towards us, a demonic aura surrounding him and his clothes full of blood, his face was covered with a mask with a little smear of blood. Only his eyes are seeable. The eyes glowing in the dark, crimson red turning to teal.

"Stop him!" I shouted.

He smirked. The scythe disappearing and he ran to the balcony, Hange trying to stop him but the brat was too agile and slides under her feet. Next thing we knew, he was gone....

Who was that brat?

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