Chapter 19

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How bout' a party before the storm, yeah?

The two left the building, it was already late at night. After chatting with the trio and meeting Eren's other friends which was Yimr, Historia, Reiner and Bertholdt then eating at the cafeteria when Levi's stomach wasn't slightly turning anymore.

When they arrived at the S.C quarters they were greeted by laughter from the cafeteria, curious as to what was happening the two walk to it.

It revealed Hange, Mike, Levi's team, Erwin, even Eren's friends, and a bunch of more people were dragged along, drinking booze.

"HEy ThEre," she hiccuped, "GuYs~." Swaying while she walked to them, Hange was the first one to greet them.

"What's the occasion for?" Eren said scanning the cafeteria and spotting his friends drinking alcohol like no tommorow.

"Get away from me shitty glasses! You stink of booze!." Levi was trying to peel Hange off from him when the woman sticked to him like a gecko.

She turned her attention to Eren, finally letting go of Levi. "NaNaba cAMe BAcK." She answered before she went flying in the air and landing face first on the floor by Levi's kick.

"Who's Nanaba?" The brunette turned to Levi.

"Mike's wife. She went overseas because of some family issues and as Hange said she returned when we were out."

The brunette only hummed as a reply. "I need to report to Erwin why we weren't here all day so you can go drink with your friends." Levi nudge his chin towards the Eren's friends and walked to his Boss before he also got drunk.

Eren watched his boyfriend go and joins his members. He saw a unfamiliar blond woman, talking aimlessly while her face was flushed red from all the alcohol she drank. The brunette assumed that she's Nanaba Levi was talking about.

When he turned back to look at his friends, all he saw was passed out drunks even Annie is with them, trying so hard to not fall face first on the table.

Eren shook his head, smiling at his passed out friends. He wasn't in the mood for alcohol so he turned back and headed to his room to sleep or maybe wait for his raven to come and sleep as well.


Waking up slowly, Eren felt a pleasantly warm thing over him. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by a mop of black hair.

"What the!?" Being startled, Eren jolted up, adjusting his look at the mop of hair who was infact Levi. The brunette let out a relieved sigh.

"Brat, you're too loud." Levi said, revealing his red face.


Out of nowhere the raven started to undress, butt naked. "W-what are you doing?" Now Eren's face was also red.

"Isn't it obvious, we're gonna do it." Levi said leaning to the brunette, straddling him.

"Wha–" Eren got a sniff from the raven "Levi, you reak of booze!"

Levi ignored the brunette's protest and moved down, undressing the taller male's pants. "Well, aren't you nicely stiff. Eren junior."

The raven started to lick the tip making Eren gasp. Levi slowly engulf the whole thing, swirling his tongue around the brunette's shaft.

Eren was speechless by the raven's action. It wasn't his first time getting a blowjob from Levi but being that the raven was drunk and so into it was a first for him. The mere sight of the raven like this was making him so aroused.

"Levi~ I'm gonna... cum... ha."

"Then come, I'll swallow." Levi said a little muffled by the brunette's dick in his mouth.

Feeling the tightness in his stomach, Eren came. "Aa... Ah!".

Levi swallow it all. He pulled back, come was dripping down his chin. "Wow. You came a lot, hmm?" he wipes the remaining come on his chin with his thumb and licked it.

"Well, it was building up- wait! You're drunk Levi. I don't want to do this with you while you're drunk!" Not wanting to take advantage of the raven, Eren grabbed Levi's shoulders and pushed him at arms length. It was tempting seeing the raven like this that it took Eren's whole willpower to not pounce at Levi and take him there on the spot.

"Why? Am I bad at it when I'm drunk?"

Before Eren could answer, tears started to pile in the raven's eyes. "I'll do a better job Eren. Just please don't ignore me, that bitch was trying to hook up with me. I couldn't leave there because I didn't want to met shitty glasses or shitty brows. I wanted to kill that bitch but there were too many people, you know that and I love you." By now, Levi was a sobbing mess.

Eren gave the smaller male a puzzled look and it dawned to him. The raven was talking about the party. He didn't know that the raven was still thinking about that. So it was true that when you're drunk you tell everything, even your insecurities.

"I know, I know, and I love you too." cooing the raven to calm down while hugging him.

"Is it true?"


"I'm asking if it's really true that you love me?"

"Yeah, it's true. I've been in love with you from the past ten years." Eren just played along with the raven's insecurities, he wanted him to believe that he only has eyes for Levi so he played along not wanting to make him cry even more.

Levi pulled away just enough to see their faces. "Me too, I love you too. It's mutual then?" Tears was rolling down on the raven's cheeks again, so overwhelmed that Eren loved him back.

"Levi... why–"

Eren came to a halt when Levi hunched back down and started sucking the brunette's dick again.

"Eren... Quickly, take this hard cock... and put it in me ❤️"

By those words something inside Eren snapped (probably his willpower) and lounge at Levi.



Eren felt the grip the raven on him go lose, he looked at Levi and he saw him... peacefully asleep!?


He silently punched the bed, cursing in his mind, regretting that he didn't do it it sooner when the raven offered.

Today Eren learned that alcohol is dreadful, he experienced it's terrible power personally.

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