Chapter 24

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Nekmon hesitated outside the bedroom door, Diaz had a new woman with him and he usually didn't like to be disturbed.

Screw it.

Diaz had told him to report as soon as he knew anything new about the Yeagers. If he didn't do as ordered, he'd be in trouble anyway. It's been a few days after Diaz escaped Eren, he drove him straight out of the city  when Diaz told him that one of the Yeagers was in the party. After that it was transporting to location to location, making sure they weren't followed.

Damned if he did, damned if he didn't.

He knocked. "Nekmon." he announced.

"Come in, come in." Diaz said impatiently. The scent of perfume and marijuana hit his nostrils as soon as he opened the door. "I'm sorry to bother you but you said–"

"I know what I said." Diaz interrupted as he sat up, leaned back against the padded velvet headboard and lit a cigarette. "Talk and get out."

Nekmon carefully avoided looking at the naked woman lying next to Diaz. "I did some research and it seems for the passed months Grisha's sons were living in another gangs base; The Survey Corps. Apparently one of his sons are inlove with one of the members there. His name is Levi Ackerman."

"Who the shit is Levi Ackerman?"

"I went to the Mafia Web and if it's the same one, he's the trump card of the Survey Corps, having the rank SS in his profile."

Diaz stiffened. "What?"

"My report is on your desk, I could get it for you now."

"No, not now." Diaz said absently. "But I want to know later if you have any new info."

Nekmon's brows lifted. "You believe that will be necessary?"

"It can't hurt, I like to be prepared." He murmured.

"Can I do anything else?"

"Not in here, I don't like sandwiches." Diaz handed the cigarette to the woman next to him.

Only it wasn't a woman, Nekmon noticed. It was a girl not even over eleven or twelve. He vaguely remembers her from one of Diaz's other play toys. It didn't surprise him, Diaz usually liked the young ones. He often bought girls even younger from the whorehouses in Britain.

"I'll go then. Goodnight, Mr Diaz."

Diaz didn't answer. He was already moving over the young girl. "Now let's see how well you've learned your lessons, little puta."


Diaz was looking at the reports Nekmon prepared for him, flipping through pages. Nekmon was a few feet beside him, waiting for an order.

Taking in everything he read, "shit!" He quietly exclaimed.

The report said that one of the Yeagers, presumably the brat Eren was the knew keeper and gave the 3DMG blades to this Levi Ackerman. He was planning on mainly taking that when the operation started, looks like he needed to set his eyes to something else.

He slowly calmed himself, getting angry now would be useless. It didn't matter anyway, after the operation he have tons like that.

But all of them would be weaker.

He closed the file. He needed to start it, he's been planning and waiting for 13 years to begin this, he waited long enough.

The operation must start now.

He's been waiting too long to let it sit and wait after knowing about his blood line, he deserved them.

Diaz knew the existence of demonic weapons was when he climbed the ladder to reach power after his mother died protecting him alone from Mob Bosses, she won but suffered with her own injuries. It was too deep, the power of the demon in her was weak resulting her healing abilities were slow, dying slowly and painfully infront of her only son.

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