Chapter 31

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Levi and Eren walked out of the lounge area, seeing bloody bodies everywhere that were being cleaned.

Levi saw the brunette walked up to one of the cleaners, saying to clean where they were just at, at least that's what he hoped for.

The cleaner nodded and Eren walked back to him, a smile on his face. "What do you wanna do now? Our job here is done."

The two subconsciously walked through the halls while the raven was thinking. It was always like this, Eren would ask him what to do when their job was done in other countries they've been in. Everytime the brunette asked, he would answer to sightsee or explore. This was his first time leaving the country after all, and he wasn't going to let the chance go to waste. Before he could answer however, a slightly deep voice interrupted the two.

"Eren, dist du das?"
(Eren, is that you?)

Both men turned where the voice came from and Levi saw a man that seemed in his late forties. The raven looked at Eren, silently questioning him who the man was but saw the brunette had a slight shock on his face.

A second later, Eren's face was replaced with a smile as he walked up to the mysterious man. "Mr. Kruger! How have you been?"

"Mer geht es gut, aber dein Vater tut Mir leid." (I'm doing fine, I'm sorry about your father thought.) Mr. Kruger looked down, thinking about what happened to Grisha and the one who killed his friend. "Dieser Bastard hatte es verdeint, gefoltert zu werden, bevor er starb.
(That bastard deserved to be tortured before he died.)

The raven saw Eren nod while looking down. Levi didn't understand what they were saying, the only thing he understood was the word 'Bastard'. He didn't want to come to conclusions if the two were teasing each other or were were cursing somebody, so he waited.

After a moment, the man noticed him. Mr. Kruger gave him a small smile and turned to the brunette.

"Und wer ist das?"
(And who is this?)

Eren perked up at the question, smiling cheeckely as he snaked an arm around the raven's neck. "This is Levi Ackerman, meine zukünftige Ehefrau." Again, Eren turned to German purposely, not wanting the raven to understand as he gave a wink to Mr. Kruger to play along.
(This is Levi, my future wife.)

Levi nodded as he ignored the arm on him. Hearing Eren say his name, he guessed that the brunette was introducing him to the man.

The once calm face of Mr. Kruger turned to a shocked one, then he smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Levi Ackerman. And thank you for killing Diaz."

Levi was surprised at how fluent the man was in English but returned to normal. "It's nice to meet you, too. And you don't have to thank me, it was just in the heat of the moment."

The man stuck out a hand for the raven to shake who took it without hesitation. "My name is Eren Kruger, Eren's babysitter back then." Kruger chuckled.

"Mr. Kruger!" Eren exclaimed, a faint blush was on his face from embarrassment.

Levi held back a laugh and just snickered. He held back the questions that popped in his head about what was Eren back then. Then he realized something.

"Not to be rude or anything, but your name is Eren too?"

With the question, Mr. Kruger nodded. He put a hand on the brunette's shoulder and looked at Levi with a grin. "This brat here is named after me by Grisha."

"Dad and Mr. Kruger here were best friends when he was still in Paradis, but had to leave to help out the branch here at Germany." Eren added, smiling.

After the information sinked in, Levi nodded, returning a smile of his own. He was happy to see the brunette truly smile again. When they were still in other countries, Eren would force a smile on his face. It was completely obvious that he was still sad, that's why Levi choose to sightsee to get the brunette's mind out of the clouds.

"Did the two of you already—"

Before Mr. Kruger could continue, a vibrating sound caught their attention. The old man shoved his hand in his pocket and took out his phone. A moment later, he sighed. "I was going to give the two of you a tour, but they need me here. Are you two okay by your own?"

"We'll be fine. You go do what you need to do." Eren said, nudging his head to the halls as he snaked his hand to move to the raven's waist and pull him to him.

Levi stiffened at the act but relaxed. He was going to have a word with Eren tonight of how touchy he was.

Mr. Kruger looked at them for a moment and gave a small smile. "Just don't go suck each other's faces in the hallway, nobody wants to see that."

Before Eren could scold the old man, he was already speed walking away and laughing. Leaving the two flustered men.


"Ah!" The raven moaned out as Eren's shaft hit the spot that made Levi arch his back.

They were in their hotel after meeting Mr. Kruger. After thinking about where to go, Levi just wanted to go back to their hotel room and rest and give Eren an earful of his behavior. But when Eren came out of the shower looking like a Greek god with only a towel covering him, the raven couldn't help himself. He attacked the brunette with kisses and seduced him to the bedroom.

He took the lead today, straddling Eren who was now laying down.

Eren's thrusts came perfectly timed with the raven's bouncing, moving to hit Levi's sweet spot again.

He quickly yelped when Eren suddenly switched their positions, now he was laying on his back.

"Ah! Ah—hmp!" The brunette leaned over and captured his lips, swirling their tongues together. His eyes were closed as it letting out tears from too much pleasure. His fingers were digging on Eren's back as his toes curled.

"God, you're tight." Eren groaned, resting his head on Levi's shoulder as he got deeper.

Ahh! Eren! I'm g-gonna—" Another loud moan erupted from the raven as he came, eyes rolled back as he tightened around Eren's member, making him come as well.

The two panted as they came down from their high, Eren collapsing beside Levi as he pulled out..

Levi shuddered at the feeling of the brunette's cum drip out of his hole. It's been a while since they did it raw, he would make sure he'll (Eren) clean that off later.

He turned to the side as he felt arms warp around his waist, seeing a chuckling brunette. "What's so funny, brat?"

"I don't know, what's gotten you so horny? What you did earlier was fucking hot."

A blush came back to Levi's face as he remembered how this all happened. He heard Eren let out a small laugh. Fuck his face for showing that. "Well, it's not my fault you have a godly body."

Eren grinned at him. "You think so?"

The raven hummed as a response. He was tracing a small scar on the brunette's chest that he completely missed when he first laid eyes on Eren's body. He slowly wondered how big the wound was before it healed. Eren explained to him that the small scars that littered his body was actually large wounds, it healed but left scars. At one time, Levi thought that the brunette's scars were like tropes, bringing back evidence that he overcame a fight he had a hard time defeating.

"Well," Eren started, lifting his body that made his long brown locks fall and hovered over the raven who was pulled out of his thoughts. "You're in luck because this body is all yours."

"Is that so?" Levi raised a brow and grinned, wrapping his arms and legs around Eren. He let out a whine when the brunette leaned down and sucked on his neck, making a hickey. He knew where this was going, and he wouldn't mind going for another round so he teased. "I have a hard time believing that."

Now Eren was the one who shot him a raised brown then grinned. "Then I'll just have to prove it to you."

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