Chapter 28

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Levi haphazardly dropped the Bazooka, the thing making a clanking noise but the raven's attention were on Diaz's blown up body. The man lost one of his arms and legs making him nearly immobile as he lay leaning on the wall, burnt marks were evident on his body.

After killing Nekmon when the guy was distracted by the fight Eren and Diaz were having, Levi went in for the kill. Then, when the deed was done, he watched his lover's fight, only that they moved too fast. For a split second, Levi saw Eren who was slowly losing himself so he had to interfere. Retrieving the bazooka he saw near the entrance of the stairs, he waited for the right moment to fire. He trusted the brunette to avoid the explosion so he fired and to his luck, he shot the fucking bastard.

Levi's eyes widens as his gaze drifts to Eren after hearing his body collapse to the floor, the raven quickly but carefully got to the brunette who looked like a complete mess.


He nearly couldn't believe the sight that was infront of him as the helicopter descended. The beautiful house he gifted Eren from his eighteenth birthday was in shambles, not to mention was littered with bodies.

Grisha's patience was thinning out. He was getting anxious that it took too long to arrive, only imagining what could be transpiring between his son and Diaz. But even when he was worried, he didn't show it.

Grisha quickly got out the helicopter when the ground was close enough, followed by Zeke who had the same calculative gaze on the house.

"Order five men to the vault with me when they get here, and medics too. Everyone else, search the whole premises." Grisha ordered, not even turning to look at Zeke as the older man walked to where the vault was located.

They passed bodies that weren't from their gang, probably from Diaz's that Levi and Eren killed. He saw every lifeless body were slitted in the throat or they heads were turned to one side too much that it broke the bone. If they weren't in the situation their in now, Grisha would be proud at the brunette's and his lover's work.

Grisha glanced over his shoulder where Zeke is, muttering his orders in the blond's earpiece. The older man's attention were pulled back infront of him when they turned a corner only to stop. Remnants of an explosion were infront of them; limbs, guts, debris and blood. But even with the gruesome sight, they continued.

Passing the blow up entry way, down the stairs and through the vault. In the vault was a scene that made the two nearly gasp.

Everything was a mess, chunks of debris were everywhere, weapons were scattered everywhere, a lifeless body was laying limp not a few feet from them, but that wasn't made the two nearly gasped, it was the sight of Eren and Diaz.


Levi heard foot steps and by the sound of it, it wasn't just one person. The raven was already gripping a dagger so whoever entered that he didn't know who it was would be dead, but thankfully it was just Grisha and Zeke.

Levi let out a relieved sigh and turned his head to look down on Eren's unconscious body who's head was on his lap. The brunette had bruises and cuts but it slowly healed, much to the raven relief. He can't say about Eren's internals, Levi can only guess that the brunette had some broken bone but other than that, he didn't know.

He felt the presence of someone beside him, looking at the person, it was Grisha, Zeke was over at Diaz's body. For the first time, Levi saw the brunette's father's worried expression. It didn't quite show but if he looked closely, he could see it.

The raven was pulled from his staring upon hearing riping clothes. Grisha was riping Eren's clothes off, examining the cuts and bruises that it reveal. Levi's eyes widens at the sight as the older man puts pressure on the body, earning an unconscious groan from the brunette. Eren's body wasn't short of being battered and bruised, some cuts haven't even healed yet and slowly gushing out blood. If the raven didn't knew what happened to him, he'd say that Eren was tortured.

"He has six fractured ribs, three are broken." Grisha stated pulling Levi from his thoughts and run his mind what the older man was saying. "Few of his vitals are bleeding causing his healing process to be much slower. He lost too much blood making him unconscious, I'd say that he was too driven from adrenaline to feel the pain but now that it's gone, it's coming in full force. I can't exactly say anything more without my tools so that's all I can make out off."

"Will he be okay?" Levi asked without a second beat, voice laced with worry. A small smile came on Grisha's face at the raven's worried question.

"Aside from his injuries, he'll be fine. He's a tough young man."

Both men's attention were suddenly caught by the abrupt appearance of people, some Levi guessed were medics. Two buff men walked up to them and revealed a stretcher, carefully lifting Eren's body onto it and moved out.

Levi was going to follow but Zeke's voice caught his attention as well as Grisha's. The blond motioning his hand to come near him, the two followed.

It was a nasty sight to Levi's opinion. The arm and leg that was blown off was letting out blood, not to mention the bone and muscles it revealed. Diaz's face was near unrecognizable from the burnt marks on his face and body, half of the man's black hair was long gone revealing a huge bald spot on his head. But what really got the raven's attention was that Diaz was still conscious even after the bazooka hit him, the man was sadly reaching for a weapon that was coincidentally Levi's with the only hand the man had left.

"What are you gonna do to him?" Levi asked after the long silence.

"We're gonna take him back to the building, wait till he's done healing then torture him." Zeke answered, glaring at the burnt body while Grisha only stayed quiet.

When Diaz finally reached the raven's weapon, he gave a triumphant huff but was short lived as the weapon crumbled to pieces. Levi was about to ask what happened to his weapon but seeing the two beside him not reacting, he assumed that this was an ability his weapon had.

The raven decided to turn and head to be with Eren but stopped mid way hearing a whisper from the burnt man. He saw Grisha walked up to Diaz, grabbing what's left of the man's collar and lifted him where both men made eye contact.

"What was that jackass?"

Levi and Zeke watched as Diaz whispered again followed up by a grin.

"Speak up asshole, didn't your mother teach you to answer when–"

"I SAID IF I'M GOING DOWN, YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!" Diaz suddenly cuts Grisha off, pulling out a dagger out of nowhere.

It was like time slowed down as the raven's eyes widens. In that moment, it was the first time he felt he couldn't get to them as iron met flesh. A pool of blood began to form as the two bodies collapsed.


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