Chapter 27

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Eren swinged the dual katanas in his hand with precision but even then, Diaz dodged it. The brunette didn't stop his assault, aiming to get a hit. Diaz blocked one by throwing one of the daggers in his hands to clash it with Eren's deadly swings. One of Eren's swings nearly pierced one of Diaz's calves but missed a few centimeters as the man dodged in the last second, and as for defense the man kicked the brunette's arm away.

It kept going on, every few seconds the two switch weapons, grabbing anything they can to fight off each other's blows.

Diaz grabbed a gun, firing it without a second beat. Thankfully, Eren came across a shield, blocking the bullets. He was thankful that he caught a shield, even a hydrogen bomb couldn't even crack it, much less dent it.

When the brunette was closed enough to the man, he shoved the shield into the man's face. With inhumane strength, Eren kneeled and put the shield under him making Diaz flying up a few meters.

Before the older man's body enwrapped itself with gravity to fall down, the brunette jumped up, kicking the man in mid air and sending him to the unforgiving ground. While Eren was in mid air, he saw a gauntlet in the high shelves. Think that he needed to be offensive immediately, he threw the shield elsewhere and took the gauntlet. Not waiting for a moment to let the bastard heal, Eren lounged at him resulting in cornering the man.

Gritting his teeth and driven by adrenaline, Eren mercilessly punched him, sending Diaz's head to jerk everywhere but always getting blocked by another punch. His face was battered with cuts and bruises as it's color was slowly turning to violet with a few swell in his face, his body didn't have time to heal as the brunette's blow came fast and relentless.

"You..." Eren said through clenched teeth. To say he was pissed was an understatement. "You already killed my mother. And now, you want to rape the only person that's keeping me going?! BULLSHIT!"

Getting the strength out of nowhere, Diaz abruptly jumped, snatching a weapon in the top shelves that shaped like a circle but deadly sharp at the ledges. It had a space to held on to that was wrapped in leather to get a good grip, the color of it was like Levi's gun metal eyes.

Diaz landed by using the circle like weapon to dig into the ground which made a crack and pushing into his weapon, landing ungracefully onto the tiled floor. A grin was sickeningly plastered on the man's face, revealing his pearly whites teeth that turned red from the blood in his mouth as his body was littered with injuries that was fastly healing.

A chuckle came from the black haired man. "Now it makes it more worth it to defeat you, I was just bluffing before but now I'm serious. I'm not gonna kill you instantly. In fact, I'll make you watch as I fuck that lover of yours until he breaks. Hard and rough, just the way I like it. He's a real beaut, y'know." That only make the brunette see red.

The two clashed again, totally unaware that the room they we're fighting was a total mess or the grunts and hisses of their companions having their own fight to the death.

At some point both glared at one another while letting their bodies heal, having separate for a few meters from each other's monstrous blows that would have killed a normal person in an instant. Eren having the fewest injuries dashed at the man that killed his mother with a fist that was ready to meet flesh.

Diaz blocked the punch expertly by using the weapon in his hands to clash with the nuckles of the brunette's gomlet, both exchanging looks that even a deadly assassin with experience would rethink who they were up against. Their red eyes glowed dangerously with the intent to kill.

Cuts, bruises, and blood covered their bodies as they exchanged blows. Some were dodged completely, some dug into their flesh and some fractured or broke a bone or three. Every blood that leaves their bodies and lands on a weapon, smoke surrounds them making the fight more difficult.   

The fight went on, both exchanging positions to suit their attack as well as changing their weapons that kept surrounding them, from random daggers to long swords and at some point their signature weapons. The pitch black smoke sometimes gave an advantage or the opposite, depending on who it surrounds.

Diaz acquired another gun that's similar to a machine gun but smaller, firing it to see blood.

In the nick of time, Eren summon his scythe, blocking the bullets that hit him but his scythe suffered the bullets wrath in his place. Multiple dents can be seen on the blade and the fact that there was only one source to get blood to repair it in his situation but the said blood was hard to acquire.

As Diaz's bullets ran out, the brunette took it as a chance to strike but his opponent evaded and got another weapon which was a bow like Armin's but was different. Having the color black engulf the weapon and an almost demonic aura slightly seeping out of it.

The older man shoot once, twice, then six more arrows were fired but all met the same fate of Eren cutting it in two before it even met his skin. Completely ignorant that his scythe was close to breaking in half from the lack of blood, Eren lounged with blood boiling that he nearly couldn't think rationally.

The brunette attack met ground as Diaz jumped back to evade. The scythe giving out at the powerful impact, breaking in half as expected. A split second where Eren's brows rouse from surprise but got back at the situation at hand, silently commanding his weapon to return to where all contracted weapon lay wait to be summoned again by their users.

Diaz quickly pulled a sword, seeing the brat infront of him pulled one out as well. Not a moment passed and the two clashed again, the sound iron hitting iron and some groans echoed in the vault.

Eren was overwhelmed at the amount of slashes his opponent was give, getting multiple wound that he didn't know where exactly they are but pushed passed it, literally. The brunette took the chance he had and head-butted the man, blood trickled down from his forehead to the bridge of his nose. His head pounded, protesting to never do it again as pain shot up into his head but he didn't felt any. His only thoughts were to kill the bastard that was infront of him. Chop up his body to the point that it wasn't recognizable. And feed it to the dogs.

Too driven from adrenaline, Eren returned the amount of force he received, slashing onto the man's chest, abdomen, back but he didn't get to finish him off as pain shot through his body, a painfully yell escaped the brunette lips at the unexpected sensation.

The pain originating from his back, a weapon dug deep into his back but nonetheless it healed quickly. Beads of sweat formed on his face as he looked at Diaz, seeing another weapon in his hands. The weapon was dual type, short but wide and sharp.

His enemy threw a blade a him, the brunette blocked it but the blade bounded back to Diaz and came another blade and another and another. The blades kept returning to Diaz as he blocks them, throwing the blades without a second beat when it lands on his hands.

Finally overwhelmed, Eren was disarmed. He quickly made haste to the other direction of his opponent to get another weapon but Diaz got to him first. Making both his blades roll on the floor toward him, making a multiple deep gashes on his calves.

Th only thing Eren felt a stinging sensation while his injuries healed, grabbing a sniper and aiming it at Diaz.

The first shot was dodged but the second met flesh only that it just hit the man's arm. Eren was aiming for the head or the heart, only that can kill someone like him and his family. The third shot hit but again, it didn't get the heart. The last one hit a vital organ, something that is crucial to protect. When a vital organ is damaged then the process of healing will decrease, meaning that Diaz's regeneration is now slower than Eren.

When the brunette bullets were out, Diaz took this chance to get near. Resisting the need to stop and let his wounds heal, Diaz dashed to the brunette, but only getting halfway when an unexpected ammunition abruptly hit him.

"Fucking bastard."

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