Chapter 25

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Days passed by and all three Yeager's anger was building up, frustrated that it was taking longer to locate Diaz.

Levi was getting worried at Eren because everytime the brunette heard the whereabouts of Diaz was still unknown he would go to the training area and beat the crap out of the punching bags that was newly bought. Not that money was a problem.

The raven decided to take Eren out and into the city, away from the punching bags.

The two roamed the city and eventually Eren's anger faded, forgetting his current problems and cherish this moments with his raven.


Levi raised a brow at the brunette, silently asking what he was talking about.

"For taking me out of the building and taking me here." The brunette finished.

Eren gestured at the cafe they were at but the raven knew the brunette was gesturing at the city.

"You're welcome." A grin was on the Levi's face as he took a sip of his Earl Gray tea. "Also, what are we going to do with all of this?"

Levi looked at bags that held very, very expensive things the brunette bought him. He still couldn't forget Eren had a infinite bank card and Levi couldn't believe that the brunette even offered to give it to him!

"I'll just call someone to pick those up."

Eren took out his phone after he took a quick sip of his coffee. The phone rang for about five times then the person on the other side picked up.


The brunette abruptly stopped as he heard a crash from the other end, guns blazing, screams from the background and a loud groan.

Probably the one who answered the call.

"Mr. Eren! Diaz is here and is trying to take the weapons! Please hurry! We can't hold on much longer, were being outnumbered!"

Eren tensed as his most trusted butler; Floch was screaming at the phone. Suddenly gunshots were heard but this time louder, then the call ended.

Levi saw Eren's sudden tensed body, he eyed the brunette as to what was happening at the other end.

Eren didn't waste time and took Levi's wrist, pulling him out of the cafe and into his car. Leaving all the things they shopped behind.

"Hey! what going on?!"

The raven asked as both of them strapped on their seat belts and Eren turned on the ignition, driving to his mansion.

"Diaz is at my house, trying to take the weapons."

Even though Eren was part of the mafia world, he still needed to protect the world from the people who was after their weapons. Especially the ones who are after it for power. He needed to chose who can have one and who can't, that's what being a keeper's job is.

Eren took out an ear piece as he explained to Levi what he heard from the call. He hoped Armin was still at his computer because he needed to tell them what's going on.

Levi didn't say anything after that, he knew what was going on with the brief explanation besides it wasn't the time to shoot Eren questions that he can easily answer on his own, instead he prepared himself for the speed the brunette was going to use.

"Hello? Eren? What's up? We haven't found–"

"Diaz is at my house trying to steal the weapons. I want you to inform Zeke and Dad, also send backup."

The instant Armin answered through the ear piece, Eren gave out the brief explanation and order.

Wherever Eren would go, he would take an ear piece with him for emergencies. Using a phone would take too long and they didn't want the government hearing what they were speaking.

"All right, got it." Armin's voice turned serious, keys clicking were heard from the other side. "What about you? What are you gonna do?"

"I'm ganna go there and beat him up to a pulp."

Eren didn't wait for Armin to speak, removing the ear piece, and putting it inside his pocket again.

"We're really gonna go there?" Levi asked, he knew they were gonna go there but we're they really going dressed casually for a gun fight?

Especially when they don't even have guns themselves.

Eren knew what the raven meant and glanced at the rear view mirror, looking at the back of the car. "Don't worry, everything we need is in the trunk."


The brunette glanced at Levi, furrowing his brows. He didn't want to take Levi with him, it was a personal grudge and the raven didn't have anything to do with it.

"You know, you don't have to—"

"Don't you even dare finish that sentence, Yeager." Levi sternly said. "I'm going with whether you like it or not."

The brunette just glanced at him, this was the first time Levi called him using his last name and judging from the raven's tone he didn't want to hear it again.

Eren just shut up and drove faster to his house while the raven just looked straight ahead, internally make up a plan and contented that Eren threw away the thought that he wasn't a part of this mess


"Diaz is at Eren's house!!!"

Hange burst through the double doors, into Grisha's office where him and his first son was discussing something.

Both stood up, alarmed by the sudden news. Before Hange came, both were discussing a plan for Diaz but seems like it was useless now.

"Diaz is at Eren's house and his taking the weapons!" She repeated, after Armin told her the news she sprinted to the elevator just to get here while the blond stayed behind and hacked the cameras that were in Eren's house.

"But that impossible!" Grisha exclaimed. "You need the key to get into the vault!"

"Agreed," Zeke nodded but slightly confused. "The only thing that can open that vault is the key Eren has!"

"I don't know about any of that but Eren requested back up. It seems Diaz launched a full on attack." Hange responded, breath still uneven from all the running she did.

Both men nodded.

Time is precious on situations like this, even in twenty minutes things can go bad real fast.

Both men knew Diaz doesn't make a move if it was unnecessary and usually run away so this took them by surprise, something was up and they didn't like it.

Zeke strode out if the room with Hange while Grisha turned on the speakers that was on every floor.

"This is Grisha speaking, whoever is free in the infirmary go to Eren's house. Now. Furthermore, whoever is free right now in the building also go to Eren's house. This is an emergency."

With that, the announcement ended. He assumed that all the workers their were injured, some would probably be died by now judging from the time that passed.

Grisha quickly strode out of his office after Zeke, preparing himself for a fight. It's been a while but Grisha wasn't going to pass the chance to beat the hell out the man that killed his beloved wife, may he be a relative or not.


Zeke heard his father's orders and as expected, most of the people started going to the underground.

It was going to be an all out war.

Zeke followed down to underground while Hange returned back to Armin, helping him with whatever she can do.

When all of the people were done they all got into normal cars, not wanting to attract unwanted attention.

All kinds of cars came out of the Yeager building, all filled by armed men while Zeke and Grisha took a helicopter, it was faster but Eren's house was near the forest, almost outside of the city.

They needed to quickly get there before hell breaks loose.

Eren, why did you have to live so damn far?

And feedback ✌

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