Chapter 10

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When news of Nile Dok was killed, the enemy ordered for a retreat. Some didn't wait a second to run, but some were reluctant to leave, thinking that just a little more time and the place would be theirs but new spread that some members of the Yeagerist are here. Hearing the rumor, every single intruder bolted out of the base of the Survey Corps, some were killed trying to escape.

When it's was confirmed that the last underling Nile Dok had in the base was killed, cries of victory roared through the halls. After that, all the injured was sent in the infirmary including the brunette who didn't even get a scratch on him and the raven, who's injury was only his arm. (With a help of Eren no doubt)

The two arrived at the nearly pack infirmary. It was more like a mini hospital, packed by people with bullet wounds, cuts, some was almost dying. Nurses and doctors rushing everywhere to tend to a wounded.

When the two entered. The brunette instantly saw his friends, all lined up and leaning at a wall, a few of them had scratches. Before Eren got to his friends, the two was confronted by Hange who was wearing a lab coat and basically sweating from all the running she did to treat patients, Levi cringing at her face.

"Levi!! What happened to you!" The female brunette asked worriedly as she looked as his friend: beads of sweat covered his face and huffing lightly.

"What does it look like, shitty glasses? I got shot." Levi spat, ignoring the noise around them as his injured arm aching for not being treated in some time.

Eren looking at the raven worriedly and turned to Hange asking her where can the raven be treated. Hange immediately led them to an unoccupied hospital bed and let the raven sat there. Hange quickly got nurses to patch up Levi but Eren declined saying, he'll do it himself. Hange crazily smiled at them before rushing off to help anyone.

"Hey, don't get ahead of yourself brat." Levi protested, wanting a professional to treat him.

"Don't worry Levi, I know what I'm doing. In the Yeagerist, the first thing you need to know is how you can treat you wounds in battle and being that my Dad is also a doctor, he shoved his interests in medicine to me and I sorta got into it. So don't worry." Eren explained while gathering things for the wound.

"I just said don't get ahead of yourself not your life story, brat. And I'm not worried, I'll just kick you if you do anything wrong." The raven warned the brunette, daring him to mess up as he said this.

"Then I'll mke sure I don't."

Some time later the wound was neatly treated, Levi inspecting it and then nodding for approval. "I'm going to go to my companions, you just lie here and rest." Eren smiled at the raven who almost got blind from the brightness.

"Do whatever you want." Said the raven laying in the bed, breathing steadily. The brunette was reluctant to leave the love of his life but he did so anyway. He walked up to his friends, who noticed him.

"So, is he gonna be alright?" asked Armin.

"Well of course he's ganna be alright, brother is the best at medical treatment. Even he beat dad at his own game and I don't even know how that happened." Zeke chuckled, wrapping his arm around Eren's neck.

Ever since Eren met Levi, he trained himself everything that an assassin and a husband can provide to his wife, Exceeding in both areas.

When the five was chatting, Erwin appeared. "You all truly are the best, the four of you only got scratches and one of you doesn't even have a speck of dirt on him. I thank you for your help today." said Erwin looking at the five and stopping at Eren, examining him from head to toe. "I'll announce now where you all be staying. Due to the damages that the enemy left behind, you all are going to have a roommate, is that clear?" Said Erwin becoming the real mafia boss he was. The five all nodded.

"So this will be you roommates: Zeke and Mike, Jean with Marco, Armin's with me, Annie with Mikasa that both of you being women and lastly Eren and Levi, do you have any questions?"

"Wait, who the heck is—" Jean was was cut off as he looked at the black haired freckled boy.

"T-that would be me." said the freckled boy a little nervous, Marco.

Jean was awe struck by the freckled boy, mouth opened but nothing came out. "Alright, I got no objection." Jean said crossing his arms and looked away, hiding his blush.

Eren was smugly smirking at his friend's reaction but he too barely keeping his joy inside, being roommates with the raven means he can get to know him even more. The other 3 all agreed silently.

"With that, you all will be escorted by your roommate and everyone will not receive any missions until all you're wounds have healed." Erwin shouted the last sentence to everyone in the mini hospital.

"After this, we will all mourn for our died comrades knowing that their sacrifices weren't in vain, and to celebrate our victory we're going to throw a celebration party and welcoming our new members as our special guest. The party is about a month from now so that it will give us time to recuperate and fix the damages." Erwin finished but everyone was silent, they didn't have the energy to be happy, their friends just died today but all felt a little bit happy for the party

It was already past midnight when Levi, Eren on tow, got enough strength to walk to his room. Eren suggested that he would help him but the raven was stubborn, saying he was fine and the brunette reluctantly back off. When the two arrived at the their room, Eren was stunned to see it so big. It had two queen sized beds that was facing the bathroom that on the left, a bathroom big enough for two, a table with four chairs, closets that can fit anything in, a few hidden weapons here and there, ect. And the room was untouched by the raid.

(I'm not good at describing things so that's the general look. I'll let you guys imagine the details)

"Alright brat, if you're going to be my roommate I don't want to see a speck of dust or dirt anywhere and if I do, your responsible for it. I won't hesitate to kick your ass out the door, understand?" Levi said in a serious tone which Eren nodded immediately not wanting to be on the bad side of the raven.

After that both of them showered. Levi was first, avoiding to wet his bandage. When he finished, he wrapped a towel around his waist and got out the bathroom meeting a blushing brunette. "Oi, why is your face red?" Levi said tilting his head slightly. "Got a fever or something?"

"N-nothing. I'll go shower now." With that, the brunette dashed inside the bathroom leaving a smirking raven. Minutes later Eren came out, his hair wasn't in a tie anymore and falling to his shoulders. Still damp from the water, his body still had droplets left and a towel over his waist.

Eren noticed Levi was already dressed and was staring at him. "Like what you see?" Eren said smirking cutting off the raven from his trance.

Levi clicked his tongue, looking away and walking to his bed, a tint of red on his cheeks but the brunette noticed it and chuckled. He proceeded on changing. "Uh... Levi?"


"I didn't bring clothes here and I don't want to wear my old ones, they're covered in sweat."

Levi cringed at the mention of the brunette's sweaty clothes. "There are already some clothes for you in the closet, Erwin prepare it." Levi said, already in bed his back facing the brunette.

"Oh... thanks." And Eren picked a comfortable set of sleeping clothes and collapsing on the bed and muttered, "Goodnight Levi." before sleeping, exhausted from the events that happened.

Levi who heard it, whispered. "Night brat." Before tiredness took over.

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